Fishy game ending...

Fishy game ending...



28 Sep 07
01 Feb 08
1 edit

Originally posted by Pigface1
If you are playing OTB and your opponents clock runs out, do you let him/her carry on playing?

I will timeout if ts a tournament that I can potentially win and I will claim the skull in clan games because its not just a win for me its points for my clan.

If its a friendly game then I dont timeout (within reason, if a player has been inactive for a long period then I probably would)
Pigface - you're missign the point.

This isn't an OTB game. You can't compare the two because they are completely different.

OTB games you are there and visible. khawarizmi might have had a power failure, bene trapped in an elevator or hit by a bus.

He might have won the game but he doesn't deserve it. Its dishonourable.

For RHP addons...

16 Mar 04
01 Feb 08

Originally posted by RDM
Pigface - you're missign the point.

This isn't an OTB game. You can't compare the two because they are completely different.

OTB games you are there and visible. khawarizmi might have had a power failure, bene trapped in an elevator or hit by a bus.

He might have won the game but he doesn't deserve it. Its dishonourable.
No, it's not. The final time he didn't adhere to the agreed upon time controls, probably wasn't his first time. In short time controls (1, 7 in this case), moving within the agreed time is very much part and parcel of the game.

If the TO'd player needed the extra time to achieve his winning position, then why should he win? The TO'er played within the rules, but the loser didn't. Where does sportsmanship come into this?

I don't play much less than 21, whatever, so amn't that bothered about timeouts. However, if I played hardcore type tournies, then I certainly would.

I resign when I feel I am down in CC or long time controls. In 15 minute games, I play to mate. If my opponent uses up most of his time to gain a material advantage on me, then he needs to convert the advantage to mate within the agree time. Otherwise, I win. Plain and simple, no question of sportsmanship. Similarly here, if the loser needed to use up his 7 days timebank to achieve a mate in 1 position, then if he can't convert the win, he deserves to lose.




04 Sep 04
01 Feb 08

Originally posted by Anton1959
To be honest, no, I wouldn't... Money is just that: money... Taking the win while being in that situation is dishonor... Or better still: claiming the win in that situation is showing what kind of loser you realy are...

Sorry, but coming up with that example (the 20.000 pound) just says more about you than about the game🙂


'Old Chinese proverb says: Man with hand in pocket feel little cocky...'
I used the example of prize money, as well as winning the tournament, as normally people who say they wouldn't do something change their mind when money is at stake.

Either you are the most honorable of people or the biggest liar. We will have to accept you are the former as you say you wouldn't take the dishonorable win. I salute you sir.

You could extend the situation further by asking what you would do if your opponent had previously won two of their games by timeout, games that they could have expected to lose. Had they not done so then you would have won the tournament regardless of the outcome of your last game - would this change your stance?

As you say the debate will rage on with no real solution.


02 May 07
01 Feb 08

Originally posted by adramforall
I used the example of prize money, as well as winning the tournament, as normally people who say they wouldn't do something change their mind when money is at stake.

Either you are the most honorable of people or the biggest liar. We will have to accept you are the former as you say you wouldn't take the dishonorable win. I salute you sir.

You ...[text shortened]... would this change your stance?

As you say the debate will rage on with no real solution.
Indeed, no solution🙂

Since the 'winner' in this game normally gives up when it even smells like mate in 5, claiming this win while being mate in 1 smells.

Like said, it's within the rules, so yeah, all is right. But the day I have to claim a win while being one move away of being chess-mate, is the day I've played my last game.

'Nuff said, I'm kicking his butt for it🙂


13 Sep 05
08 Feb 08

This is the fact of the matter here - take it or leave it:

I opened up my game page and saw the skull.
Thinking that I was already out of that tournament anyway, I just took the skull without even looking at the state of the game.
I was also happy to end that game in order to clear up any games that have no meaning (eg. tournament games where I'm already out of the tourament or clan games when my clan has either won or lost and the result of my game is irrelevant)

I had thought Anton was far enough ahead of us all so I never bothered checking the state of the game or the tournament - my mistake. So when I found out that I had to play again, I was disappointed - had I known, I wouldn't have taken that skull.

So you can all have your theories but none of you are right. However, I do know where you're coming from and why you thought that way.

And a big F*** you Anton coz you are so very wrong! And I did explain to you in a message to you the reasons why I took it - which is what I spelt out again (above) for you to hopefully understand THIS time!

Also Anton, feel free to take the timeouts against me when I run out of time this time - whether you need them or not. I'm tipping not coz I don't care.. pretty simple eh?


09 Jul 06
08 Feb 08

Originally posted by Anton1959
I think it's a matter of opinion. He's dead, one move for his opponent to finish it... So, he claims the time-out and walks away with victory, holding his head up high? Of course everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, but to me this guy is a disgrace to the game.
You say its a disgrace to claim a timeout and yet on your profile (unless it get changed!) you have

"I claim a game on time, 'cause quite frankly I think it's part of the game"

So either it is part of the game or it isn't but you can't have it both ways


02 May 07
08 Feb 08

Originally posted by Reps
You say its a disgrace to claim a timeout and yet on your profile (unless it get changed!) you have

"I claim a game on time, 'cause quite frankly I think it's part of the game"

So either it is part of the game or it isn't but you can't have it both ways
Hehe, two different things, it isn't black/white. Ofcourse the time-out rule is there, and I would take it. But, in this case it's totally different.

If I'm one move away from being mated, I wouldn't take the time-out. I would in fact resign, probably way before that point would come.

So yeah, I claim games that pass time limit, but not in this particular situation. Satisfied?

Oh, and AussieG, I read your 'story' first time around, and I don't buy it. I've done some checking on your previous games, and you normally resign when an obvious loss is coming your way. I believe you actually stayed in this particular game, because of the possible time-out. Otherwise you would have given up about 5 moves back, as you normally always do🙂

Trust me, I will take your timed-out games as a win, unless you get me in a similar situation, where you're just one or even five moves away from mating me...

I don't understand why people have a hard time sticking to the topic, and why people defend themselves when they're not even attacked🙂

Again, have a nice weekend. Sun is shining here in Holland...


13 Sep 05
08 Feb 08

Originally posted by Anton1959

Oh, and AussieG, I read your 'story' first time around, and I don't buy it. I've done some checking on your previous games, and you normally resign when an obvious loss is coming your way. I believe you actually stayed in this particular game, because of the possible time-out. Otherwise you would have given up about 5 moves back, as you normally always do🙂 ...[text shortened]... in a similar situation, where you're just one or even five moves away from mating me...

Well, do what you like. You don't have to do anything with my 'story'. I just told you the facts and did mention that you could take it or leave it. I can see that you chose not to believe it. That's fine.. I mean, we are here for discussion anyway.

If you think that I only stayed in the game because of the timeout, then that's silly. It was just as likely that I would be timed out too. You may have noticed that I also struggled to meet the time constraints.. you probably would have seen that in our games.

How many of my previous games have you checked? You may notice that I do indeed resign some games randomly.. whether or not I'm close to a loss - I do that for the reasons I explained earlier. Look at my game against stoke1. That is an example of what I mean. It wasn't an important game so I let it go.

Anyway, what happened to you in that tournament? You seemed to doing well (on the 1 or 2 occasions that I checked) so I was rather surprised that I was even in a position to finsish equal on points and have the misfortune of playing you again...

Anyhow, I'll have no hard feelings when you take the timeouts against me.. that's fine 🙂

Oh, I'm not trying to defend myself here.. I was simply explaining why I took the timeout. And that is because I took it without even checking the state of the game.

* I must ask everyone: When you see a skull, do you take it automatically?? Or do you check the state of the game first before taking the skull? How do you do it?


18 Jun 06
08 Feb 08
2 edits

If it's a clan or a tournament game - I click a skull as soon as I see it and expect my opponent to do the same, regardless of the state of the game.

I used to have a lot of notions about the 'fairness' of clicking skulls - I've since come to realise that more or less everyone does it... Having been on the wrong end of a skull click early on in my RHP 'career' I resolved never to allow myself to be timed out again.

If you ensure you pick tournies/games with suitable time constraints and you don't lose your internet privilages and taking the 'vacation' system into account - there's no good reason to *be* timed out. Obviously there will always be times when something unforeseen happens or circumstances change quickly, but hey it's only a game right? Plus your rating generally doesn't lie - if you take a couple of hundred points hit due to unavoidable time outs then sure it hurts - but you'll get back to your true level soon enough when you return.

If we're talking about a none tournament/Clan game then it depends who I'm playing. If it's a mate I know well then time constraints are a moot point anyway - I won't time him/her out for any reason. If it's someone who challenged me then it depends how fair I'm feeling/whether I like them/do I have a clearly won position etc.

When all's said and done - if that skull appears against my name - it's not my opponents fault, it's mine. I gave him the chance to time me out and I can't complain if he does.

Just my humble opinion mind 😉


02 May 07
09 Feb 08

Originally posted by AussieG
* I must ask everyone: When you see a skull, do you take it automatically?? Or do you check the state of the game first before taking the skull? How do you do it?
You never needed to check the game state🙂 You KNEW you were one move away from being mated, so you didn't need to check...

Anyway, looks like you're not moving in our two games anymore... Pitty, would have loved kicking your arse... hehehe


18 Jun 06
09 Feb 08
1 edit

It's still ultimately the other guys fault Anton. He gave him the opportunity to time him out and he did. Nothing fishy about it!


13 Sep 05
10 Feb 08

Originally posted by Anton1959
You never needed to check the game state🙂 You KNEW you were one move away from being mated, so you didn't need to check...

Anyway, looks like you're not moving in our two games anymore... Pitty, would have loved kicking your arse... hehehe
It is a matter of this: See the skull, take the skull. I play enough games and have enough things on the go so I'm not going to remember the state of every game I'm playing. So you can stick your incompetant theories up your arse! 😛

And I will get to our games when I get to them. It's not like you're the only one I'm playing against..

For RHP addons...

16 Mar 04
10 Feb 08

Originally posted by AussieG
It is a matter of this: See the skull, take the skull. I play enough games and have enough things on the go so I'm not going to remember the state of every game I'm playing. So you can stick your incompetant theories up your arse! 😛

And I will get to our games when I get to them. It's not like you're the only one I'm playing against..
I wouldn't justify myself anymore to the other guy. It's beginning to look like you're just being trolled.



02 May 07
10 Feb 08

Originally posted by AussieG
So you can stick your incompetant theories up your arse! 😛
This is becoming sillier by the moment🙂 Just play chess, that's what you signed up for...

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
11 Feb 08

Originally posted by AussieG
* I must ask everyone: When you see a skull, do you take it automatically?? Or do you check the state of the game first before taking the skull? How do you do it?
Mercy is for the weak. Take the skull the minute it appears.

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