science and God

science and God


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The Axe man


11 Apr 09
03 Oct 10

You guys should all be friends. Blackbeetle's in the spirit of it, even calling Fabs his "Gota enemy". lol!
Vishva, I can see why you have a beef against somelike like Agerg and such but one glance at beetles posting history shows, to me anyway, that he is to be treated with respect as that is what he has shown for EVERYONE on this forum.

Get it str8 you guys, dont make the same mistakes as you preach against!

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
03 Oct 10
3 edits

Originally posted by karoly aczel
You guys should all be friends. Blackbeetle's in the spirit of it, even calling Fabs his "Gota enemy". lol!
Vishva, I can see why you have a beef against somelike like Agerg and such but one glance at beetles posting history shows, to me anyway, that he is to be treated with respect as that is what he has shown for EVERYONE on this forum.

Get it str8 you guys, dont make the same mistakes as you preach against!
I'm not so sure I deserve the explicit reference here...why should he have so strong a beef with me in particular?
Do I agree with his stance towards spirituality? No of course not...but then again, do I agree with any other theist's stance? again an emphatic no!

He struts around these forums with outlandish claims, pot shots at the intellect of both theist and atheist alike and shamelessly ill-formed attempts at conversion to his pseudo-hinduistic belief system. Are some of my posts to him laden with sarcasm? yes they are! (such is my way of suppressing the irritation that builds up with the responses of certain posters), but they most often arise from some non too subtle ad-hominem, failure to engage in reasonable debate, or outright fabrication. Infact most of my posts to him are pretty damned civil inspite of what he bombards these forums with from one day to the next.

This place isn't a pulpit, it's a discussion forum...if he says something we disagree with I or others will challenge him on it. It's nothing personal!


24 Sep 10
03 Oct 10

Originally posted by Agerg
I'm not so sure I deserve the explicit reference here...why should he have so strong a beef with me in particular?
Do I agree with his stance towards spirituality? No of course not...but then again, do I agree with any other theist's stance? again an emphatic no!

He struts around these forums with outlandish claims, pot shots at the intellect of both the ...[text shortened]... ays something we disagree with I or others will challenge him on it. It's nothing personal!
Yet this is your concept of things.

I would state that my observations find you a very intelligent man, yet built strongly in ignorant knowledge, thereby ~losing~ how wise you truly could be, which is case in point for all humanity, they that are lost to the fact that God is SPIRIT, and manifests ~only~ that which is of himself, and NEVER any form of materiallity, as it is man's manifestation due to the 1st sin on earth which separated mankind to know themselves correctly..

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
04 Oct 10
6 edits

Originally posted by tacoandlettuce
Yet this is your concept of things.

I would state that my observations find you a very intelligent man, yet built strongly in ignorant knowledge, thereby ~losing~ how wise you truly could be, which is case in point for all humanity, they that are lost to the fact that God is SPIRIT, and manifests ~only~ that which is of himself, and NEVER any form anifestation due to the 1st sin on earth which separated mankind to know themselves correctly..
Well if I'm ignorant then you need to communicate this in my language...not the language of some omnipresent yet stangely never perceived netherworld entity you refer to as God.
Yes I have a wholly materialistic position, (as is reasonable for someone who has had zero interaction with the supposed spiritual realm) It is up to you to go out and learn the science you wish to try and undermine.

If you think we have (non-material/ethereal) souls then learn about how the brain works; learn how we process and catalogue inputs from our sensory organs, learn about psychology. perhaps learn some chemistry & biology. After doing this you may be in a good position (if it's at all possible) to shoot down all our objections to the proposition we all have a soul.
If you think evolution is wrong, do some reading about the subject, understand fully what the mechanism is behind it - and then come up with some novel way to destroy it because the standard arguments just don't cut it.
If you think the world is only 6,000 years old go and conduct some study into the field of physics, learn about the dating methds scientists use. Demonstrate with testable and falsifiable evidence that the equations which lead to the conclusions of a ~4.5 billion year old earth, say, are built on faulty assumptions or premises (and lead to errors with 6 orders of magnitude). Come up with a mathematically rigorous framework that admits testable predictions such to demolish these ideas. Do this with more than "Genesis says no!"


24 Sep 10
04 Oct 10

Originally posted by Agerg
Well if I'm ignorant then you need to communicate this in my language...not the language of some omnipresent yet stangely never perceived netherworld entity you refer to as God.
Yes I have a wholly materialistic position, (as is reasonable for someone who has had zero interaction with the supposed spiritual realm) It is up to you to go out and learn the scie ...[text shortened]... estable predictions such to demolish these ideas. Do this with more than "Genesis says no!"
I would rather, and am in process of this rectification of "not doing", due to not LIVING correctly, walk into a Hospital and find one with a smidgen of faith in Christ, and set them free from their captivity of such obnoxious influential bullarnky that no soul on earth deserves, and not charge a cent, as they ALREADY have probably a charge in the $50,000's or more, and money is worthLESS, or, shall I say, yes I will, it WILL BE worthless to ME then! Amen

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
04 Oct 10
1 edit

Originally posted by tacoandlettuce
I would rather, and am in process of this rectification of "not doing", due to not LIVING correctly, walk into a Hospital and find one with a smidgen of faith in Christ, and set them free from their captivity of such obnoxious influential bullarnky that no soul on earth deserves, and not charge a cent, as they ALREADY have probably a charge in the $50 e, and money is worthLESS, or, shall I say, yes I will, it WILL BE worthless to ME then! Amen
Then with all 'due' respect, you have no basis for claiming I am ignorant.


24 Sep 10
04 Oct 10
2 edits

Originally posted by Agerg
Then with all 'due' respect, you have no basis for claiming I am ignorant.
My friend, I had clarified not only you to be, but mankind in general, and perfect example is your statement that we live in a physical world..

Physical, as "erroneously conditioned, and influenced" to be, yes, and this "concept" of reality "LOST" ~to~ WHAT reality ~is~ at this "temporal moment" in time, due to the fall of man from the beginning of sin (ignorance, that which is known as darkness, when actually all IS Light)..

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
04 Oct 10
2 edits

Originally posted by tacoandlettuce
My friend, I had clarified not only you to be, but mankind in general, and perfect example is your statement that we live in a physical world..

Physical, as "erroneously conditioned, and influenced" to be, yes, and this "concept" of reality "LOST" ~to~ WHAT reality ~is~ at this "temporal moment" in time, due to the fall of man from the beginning of sin (ignorance, that which is known as darkness, when actually all IS Light)..
Until I find myself in a land where the ground I levitate above can bend to my vocal command, where flying teapots can be summoned with a light sprinkling of twinkle dust, and butterflies can communicate with me in Cantonese; the language of magic and otherwordly spirits will remain far beyond my ability to take seriously.

If this spirituality you propose is true, then prove it...and prove it without just appeal to scripture.


24 Sep 10
04 Oct 10

Originally posted by Agerg
Until I find myself in a land where the ground I levitate above can bend to my vocal command, where flying teapots can be summoned at will, and butterflies can communicate with me in Cantonese; the language of magic and otherwordly spirits will remain far beyond my ability to take seriously.

If this spirituality you propose is true, then prove it...and prove it without just appeal to scripture.
Have you not read my posts? Over and over have I expressed this, and it might be easier for you to recognize this by clicking my username, and goto my Public Forum posts, which has 18 pages of much this information..


24 Sep 10
04 Oct 10
1 edit

Heaven "does NOT" come by observation, rather ~within you~ to grow to know IS ALL there ever has been. In my Father's HOUSE though, there are MANY mansions (realms, galaxies, universes, dimensions) and the earth we live in is one of these ideas..

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
04 Oct 10
1 edit

Originally posted by tacoandlettuce
Have you not read my posts? Over and over have I expressed this, and it might be easier for you to recognize this by clicking my username, and goto my Public Forum posts, which has 18 pages of much this information..
Expressed what?...that we live in neverland? If we ignore the majority of posts which are pointless thread bumps and "amen"s I fail to recall any occassion you posted anything of any notable logical, empirical, or scientific merit.


24 Sep 10
04 Oct 10


The Axe man


11 Apr 09
04 Oct 10

Originally posted by Agerg
I'm not so sure I deserve the explicit reference here...why should he have so strong a beef with me in particular?
Do I agree with his stance towards spirituality? No of course not...but then again, do I agree with any other theist's stance? again an emphatic no!

He struts around these forums with outlandish claims, pot shots at the intellect of both the ...[text shortened]... ays something we disagree with I or others will challenge him on it. It's nothing personal!
I dont think he should have a strong beef with you in particurlar either. You say what a lot of us are thinking.
I just mentioned your name because it was the first that came to mind from recent posts.
I agree with your post except for the last bit. "This place isn't a pulpit, its a discussion forum." I'm not so sure its purely a discussion forum. This is where the SF deviates from the other forums, however I am not implying that we should all throw reason and logis out the window. Just that spirituality has more than one or two approaches, some are just making their mistakes so they can move on...

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
04 Oct 10

Originally posted by tacoandlettuce
And I would state that my observations find you a very intelligent man, yet built strongly in ignorant knowledge, thereby ~losing~ how wise you truly could be, which is case in point for all humanity, they that are lost to the fact that God is SPIRIT, and manifests ~only~ that which is of himself, and NEVER any form of materiallity, as it is man's manifestation due to the 1st sin on earth which separated mankind to know themselves correctly..
How and by which means did you came to know for yourself that the entity you name "God" is existent, and how and by which means did you came to know for yourself that your so called "God" is "spirit"? I don't accept your blind theological preaching as solid explanations; I accept as solid explanations concrete analysis only


24 Sep 10
04 Oct 10

Originally posted by black beetle
How and by which means did you came to know for yourself that the entity you name "God" is existent, and how and by which means did you came to know for yourself that your so called "God" is "spirit"? I don't accept your blind theological preaching as solid explanations; I accept as solid explanations concrete analysis only
Yo bro, I can, if you were to chat with me on skype, clearly show you by such a CORRECT EQUATION to acknowledge Christ HAS been crucified, and I can do this with numbers alone, and those numbers in a sequential code pattern that would amAze you!