Creation AND Evolution?

Creation AND Evolution?



28 Oct 05
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @kellyjay
I spelled that out in another post somewhere else, go find it if you want, or not if you don't.
Are "anti-Christs" basically people who are not members of your particular religion?

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @kellyjay
It happened and it is done 6 days was the length of time in scripture. Unlike evolution which is an on going process.

I find this more realistic than the accidental happenstance of getting all the micro and macro laws of the universe setup to form and maintain life over time, and we have not even addressed the grocery store of specific items required to al ...[text shortened]... in the correct place, at the right times, to be merged in the right order, and qualities, and so on!
Like the accidental happenstance of a puddle of water EXACTLY fitting the hole it's in?


28 Oct 05
04 Aug 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @kellyjay
It does so I warn people.
So your God has called on you to "warn" people by insisting that some things are literal and other things are metaphorical in the specific way that you insist they are?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @fmf
So your God has called on you to "warn" people by insisting that some things are literal and other things are metaphorical in the specific way that you insist they are?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @apathist
Like the accidental happenstance of a puddle of water EXACTLY fitting the hole it's in?
Amazing how that works, uh, but no not like that.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @fmf
It doesn't matter? You're talking about billions and billions of people being subjected to pain and suffering for eternity. It doesn't matter?
Isn't talking about this exactly the same as one of your "thought experiments"?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @fmf
How can "billions and billions of people being subjected to pain and suffering for eternity" not matter to you?
Where is this happening?

Oh, wait, it's not? It's just something that could happen? And not just that, but many here think that it won't happen?

Kinda hard to get worked up over that, Mr. 'Thought Experiment'.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @fmf
I am perfectly happy to discuss your and my current beliefs.
No, what you are "perfectly happy" to do is beat Christians up over their beliefs.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
04 Aug 18
5 edits

Originally posted by @apathist
Like the accidental happenstance of a puddle of water EXACTLY fitting the hole it's in?
The accidental happenstances
Let’s look at just a couple of things to grasp the accidental happenstance, see if we can
simplify it to make easy to grasp. Say what is required for life is just 10 ingredients, only
10 no more, nothing more complex than that for this little thought experiment.

The only requirements we will place on these are the order they need to be mixed in, and
how much of each so the proper quantities need to precise as well, they also must not be
contaminated with anything that would hinder or block the process of mixing properly, so
life is made. We can leave everything else that would come into play aside for the
moment, no need to go over board for this point.

What needs to happen when things go right!
They all get mixed together in the proper order, in the right quantities with nothing
hindering or blocking, so now there is life.

What could go wrong since it only takes one of these to end it all!
All the ingredients may be on the planet, but not all in the same place.
All the ingredients may in the same place, not in the proper amounts.
All the ingredients are in the right place, in the right amounts, but contamination pollutes
some or all of them into something useless for mixing.

These are just a very small handful of things that are talked about when referring to
accidental happenstances and life’s abiogenesis. We didn’t touch the environment has to
be able to support and then maintain life like having everything on Earth is one thing
having them all on Mercury is another that will not support and maintain life. We didn’t
address right or left-handed ingredients making it even more complex than just having the
right things at the same time in the conditions. The list of things that are really needed to
start and maintain it all is huge, not to mention the complexity of life is far more than just
10 ingredients. We didn't address DNA and all of the information within it, and so on, so
to just accept all of these things happened because we see life is a wee bit circular in

When looking at the complexity in life, and all of the macro and micro requirements to
both have life and maintain it, accidental happenstance doesn't rise to forefront for me
on possible causes.


28 Oct 05
04 Aug 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @suzianne
Where is this happening?
It's going to happen to people who don't believe the same things as KellyJay does, according to KellyJay. So, where? In the darkly superstitious parts of his imagination, I suppose.


28 Oct 05
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @suzianne
No, what you are "perfectly happy" to do is beat Christians up over their beliefs.
It's a debate and discussion message board, Suzianne. Disagreements are par for the course.


28 Oct 05
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @suzianne
Isn't talking about this exactly the same as one of your "thought experiments"?
Well I am not a Christian and I don't believe the same things as KellyJay does, if that's what you're getting at.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
04 Aug 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @fmf
It's going to happen to people who don't believe the same things as KellyJay does, according to KellyJay. So, where? In the darkly superstitious parts of his imagination, I suppose.
No, I told you that wasn't the case, I'm not that important. No one is going to Hell due to things
I believe, no one is not going to Hell due to things I believe either. I'm not part of that
equation. I didn't create the universe, I don't hold it together by the power of my word, I'm
not the one that creates the rules, laws, or condemns or justifies anyone for their eternal
position in God's Kingdom. Attempting to make this about me only shows how little you
know, and how little you respect the One who is going judge us all. (me included)

If I were the guy who did choose or judge, I'd demand you'd be nicer to me and others,
but as it is, I'm as guilty as everyone else.

01 Oct 04
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @fmf
Well I am not a Christian and I don't believe the same things as KellyJay does, if that's what you're getting at.
Gee that was insightful.



27 Oct 08
04 Aug 18

Originally posted by @kellyjay
[b] The accidental happenstances
Let’s look at just a couple of things to grasp the accidental happenstance, see if we can
simplify it to make easy to grasp. Say what is required for life is just 10 ingredients, only
10 no more, nothing more complex than that for this little thought experiment.

The only requirements we will place on these are th ...[text shortened]... e and maintain it, accidental happenstance doesn't rise to forefront for me
on possible causes.[/b]
Consider a rock. Every atom upon billions times billions times billions has to be in the exactly correct arrangement for the rock to be that very same rock. Amazing, isn't it?

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