Atheist morals

Atheist morals


01 Oct 04
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fmf
The fact that I have a moral stance on governments killing their citizens as a punishment for crimes is an indication that I have a functioning moral compass.
So as long as someone has a stance, regardless of what that stance may be, it is a sign that they have a functioning moral compass. So that means Hitler and the Nazis also had a functioning moral compass, correct?

01 Oct 04
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fmf
I believe capital punishment is wrong. And I understand the arguments in favour of the death penalty. I cannot think of a scenario in which it would be justifiable, but maybe there is one. We shall see, In the meantime, I am content to simply state that I oppose it on moral grounds. Meanwhile, your religious beliefs have rendered you unable to take a moral stance on the issue.
Do you think that someone who is in favor of the death penalty is morally and intellectually paralyzed ?


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
So as long as someone has a stance, regardless of what that stance may be, it is a sign that they have a functioning moral compass. So that means Hitler and the Nazis also had a functioning moral compass, correct?
We have discussed the morality of Hitler and the Nazis before in detail. I do not need to repeat myself. Refer to our previous discussions.

01 Oct 04
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fmf
We have discussed the morality of Hitler and the Nazis before in detail. I do not need to repeat myself. Refer to our previous discussions.
In your opinion would someone have a functioning moral compass if they had a moral stance, regardless of what that stance may be?


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Do you think that someone who is in favor of the death penalty is morally and intellectually paralyzed ?
No. I don't. You, on the other hand, are unable to take a moral stance on the issue because you don't yet know what ancient Hebrew mythology tells you to think and believe about it.


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
In your opinion would someone have a functioning moral compass if they had a moral stance, regardless of what that stance may be?
Well, I have already told you what I believe is the source, nature and purpose of moral standards and I have also told you exactly what I believe are the implications when one encounters differences in moral standards. I seem to remember Hitler and the Nazis were one of the examples used. My analysis and stance have not changed. I refer you to those discussions.

01 Oct 04
26 Oct 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @fmf
No. I don't. You, on the other hand, are unable to take a moral stance on the issue because you don't yet know what ancient Hebrew mythology tells you to think and believe about it.
I have never had to take a stance on the matter. Do you have a stance on every single moral issue?


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Do you have a stance on every single moral issue?
Give me some scenarios. I will give you my moral analysis.

01 Oct 04
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fmf
Give me some scenarios. I will give you my moral analysis.
Abortion. Good or evil?


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
I have never had to take a stance on the matter [of capital punishment].
You seemed to think referring to Leviticus 20:9 was "based upon [my] twisted version of scripture as well as [my] lack of understanding". Was that not a stance?

Is your having "no preference on the matter" a more coherent moral stance than mine?

We both agreed that rape is wrong, but I remember you asserting that you condemning rape was morally coherent while me condemning rape was morally incoherent.

Are you morally coherent on the issue of capital punishment?

01 Oct 04
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fmf
You seemed to think referring to Leviticus 20:9 was "based upon [my] twisted version of scripture as well as [my] lack of understanding". Was that not a stance?

Is your having "no preference on the matter" a more coherent moral stance than mine?

We both agreed that rape is wrong, but I remember you asserting that you condemning rape was morally coherent w ...[text shortened]... ing rape was morally incoherent.

Are you morally coherent on the issue of capital punishment?
My stance was that you are taking the verse out of context.


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Abortion. Good or evil?
I could not be - and never have been - involved in sanctioning or carrying out an abortion; I have succeeded in talking people out of it; and I have failed to talk people out of it. I have been proactive in trying to prevent abortions. I have given my emotional support to women who have decided to go ahead with abortions despite not agreeing with them exercising their right to have them. [No questions about the details of these things, if you don't mind.]

I don't think my stance on abortion should be imposed on society as a whole, however. I believe it is a personal issue. As a political issue, I think it is understandable that there is the civil right to have an abortion up until the point that the foetus is viable outside the womb. I wouldn't want to see such abortions criminalized

This is clearly a moral compromise on my part. I acknowledge that.

But, in my own private life, the same as you I imagine, I don't think having an abortion is the right and good thing to do, and it is to be avoided if possible, although I don't think - given the criteria I have mentioned - that it's "evil" in and of itself.


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
My stance was that you are taking the verse out of context.
Here's the main part of the post you were replying to, but didn't reply to, again:

Is your having "no preference on the matter" a more coherent moral stance than mine?

We both agreed that rape is wrong, but I remember you asserting that you condemning rape was morally coherent while me condemning rape was morally incoherent.

Are you morally coherent on the issue of capital punishment?

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Abortion. Good or evil?
What do you think about the colour grey?
Is it black or white?

14 Mar 15
26 Oct 17

Originally posted by @fmf
No. I don't. You, on the other hand, are unable to take a moral stance on the issue because you don't yet know what ancient Hebrew mythology tells you to think and believe about it.
A by-product I suspect of once belonging to a cult.

If an individual surrendered their morality to any other book on the planet, we would consider them deranged. (Mr X, what is your moral view on child sacrifice? - Wait, let me just check 'Lord of the Flies.' )

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