@happy-chappy saidRecaption,tried every combo,crossed every stream
I'm afraid knot.
The first letter is correct.
@david-burton saidDANGLER ?
--A -- -- -- E --
Sea Beam not Bream
Some kind of reflective gadget attached to a fishing line?
@drewnogal saidsorry,would you like me to shed some more light onto the problem.(not great at being cryptic I am afraid)
Some kind of reflective gadget attached to a fishing line?
@david-burton saidYou’re fine. Sometimes we get it straight away, sometimes not, as with my cryptic clues also.
sorry,would you like me to shed some more light onto the problem.(not great at being cryptic I am afraid)
I’ll just ask for more clues 🙂
@drewnogal saidThe more I think about it the more I think I may be right.
Sounds good!
Lamp and ray..
I'm beaming.