@happy-chappy saidWell, first of all you should correctly guess another posters riddle, so that only one is active at any given time.
I'm new at this. Should I give the answer?
The clue is relative.
Then it it has been yor turn and the answers are not correct you can give more clues, and if a poster posts the corect solution you can tell them and gve the baton down to them.
@happy-chappy saidSetting a new word can sometimes take one of us longer than guessing one so I sometimes jump in with one.
OK. Thanks for the heads up.
Tampion and Tangential.
I'll stick to the rules.
Great to have you both join the pack 🐶
@ponderable saidActually, I got Big Dogg's word LABYRINTH, so to get back on track:
Actually its' the Big Dof who should pose the next one.
● E ● A ● O ● A
the downside of brown
@kewpie saidYou are right of course. I apologize.
Actually, I got Big Dogg's word LABYRINTH, so to get back on track:
● E ● A ● O ● A
the downside of brown
@happy-chappy saidGRATITUDE, PLATITUDE, but BEATITUDE sort-of fits the clue.
Ex marks the spot.
● U ● U ● ● U O U ●