What are you reading?

What are you reading?


10 Dec 11
25 Jun 17

I am reading a contemporary Norwegian novel translated into Serbian partially by me a ghost translator last Summer. It was published this Spring with a considerable delay.

I was approached lust summer by a e-mail from Yahoo (girl name) with an offer to translate ca. 30 pages or more from Norwegian. I was asked to propose a price. I proposed price per page recommended by Association of literary translators and Girl Name accepted. She sent me the text I translated it very quickly and I was paid via bank account.30 pages times 7 euro = 210 eur. Small amount for you but this saved my life last summer.

She didn't tell me the name of the author nor the title.

But internet is a miracle, so I googled and found the name of the writer and the novel, very esteemed Norwegian woman who received awards for that novel.

I googled further, and discovered that Serbian translation of the novel got support from Norwegian fond for foreign translations. I found out even the name of the translator.

I came to the conclusion that for some reason he was late with translation. I suppose he approached to several translators, sent them parts of the book and so assembled Frankenstein-like translation which he submitted to the publisher.

Option: it was done in cooperation with the publisher itself.

I googled again and found out that Girl Name who approached to me lives in a Norwegian village. I saw Google pics of the house near highway, and I could zoom through the window: Yugoslav spices of old style in the kitchen!

I googled again and discovered that the translator lives in the same village, in the next house! He emigrated into Norway?!
I suppose he was ashamed of his delay so he didn't want to ask me directly and he sent his sister or girlfriend or friend to do it.

I zoomed the Google photo of his house and saw the screen of his laptop: "I have problems with Nynorsk, damn it! What should I do?!" (in Serbian)

Now I borrowed the book from public library and I am reading also my ghost words.



22 Apr 05
25 Jun 17

Originally posted by vandervelde
I am reading a contemporary Norwegian novel translated into Serbian partially by me a ghost translator last Summer. It was published this Spring with a considerable delay.

I was approached lust summer by a e-mail from Yahoo (girl name) with an offer to translate ca. 30 pages or more from Norwegian. I was asked to propose a price. I proposed price per ...[text shortened]... in Serbian)

Now I borrowed the book from public library and I am reading also my ghost words.
Very nice story for a prose competition. But reading a screen via google earth? Hardly believeable.


11 Mar 16
25 Jun 17

'Vindens skugga' by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (La Sombra Del Viento / The Shadow of the Wind)

10 Dec 11
25 Jun 17
1 edit

Originally posted by Torunn
'Vindens skugga' by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (La Sombra Del Viento / The Shadow of the Wind)
I read it couple of years ago (in Serbian translation, as "Senka vetra" --).
Interesting character, that vagabond and book lover - Fermín Romero de Torres. His destiny is similar to some of H.C. Andersen's swans...

After I read it I didn't have desire to read it again since I was overwhelmed by impression that the author spent whole energy in conceiving the plot, like a giant crossword.

And I like now only a prologue about cemetery of forgotten books.


11 Mar 16
28 Jun 17

Originally posted by vandervelde
I read it couple of years ago (in Serbian translation, as "Senka vetra" --).
Interesting character, that vagabond and book lover - Fermín Romero de Torres. His destiny is similar to some of H.C. Andersen's swans...

After I read it I didn't have desire to read it again since I was overwhelmed by impression that the author spent whole energy in concei ...[text shortened]... ot, like a giant crossword.

And I like now only a prologue about cemetery of forgotten books.
It is slow reading but unlike many other slow books, this story and the writer's imagination and humour I find very entertaining.


11 Mar 16
29 Jun 17

Originally posted by Torunn
It is slow reading but unlike many other slow books, this story and the writer's imagination and humour I find very entertaining.
With every page I turn, there are more names and places to remember, all Spanish and difficult to tell apart, but it is amusing. I don't know how it will end up... 🙂


11 Mar 16
02 Jul 17

I have just finished 'Vindens skugga' by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (La Sombra Del Viento / The Shadow of the Wind) - a joy to read, a masterpiece.

14 Mar 04
02 Jul 17

Originally posted by Torunn
I have just finished 'Vindens skugga' by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (La Sombra Del Viento / The Shadow of the Wind) - a joy to read, a masterpiece.
I just finished Midnight Sun (Jo Nesbo), a different one from his The Snowman, and have ordered more by him (from my library) so am now reading James Patterson's (with help) 15th Affair in the interim.


11 Mar 16
02 Jul 17

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
I just finished Midnight Sun (Jo Nesbo), a different one from his The Snowman, and have ordered more by him (from my library) so am now reading James Patterson's (with help) 15th Affair in the interim.
(with help?)

14 Mar 04
02 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by Torunn
(with help?)
Yes, a "helper" named Maxine Paetro.
Edit: I think he comes up with the idea and a draft, then the "helper writes it and he (Patterson) edits it before going to the publisher. Or something like that. No an can produce the volume of books that he does on his own.


11 Mar 16
02 Jul 17

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
Yes, a "helper" named Maxine Paetro.
Edit: I think he comes up with the idea and a draft, then the "helper writes it and he (Patterson) edits it before going to the publisher. Or something like that. No an can produce the volume of books that he does on his own.
Yes, I'm sorry - I had the impression you needed help all of a sudden 🙂

14 Mar 04
02 Jul 17

Originally posted by Torunn
Yes, I'm sorry - I had the impression you needed help all of a sudden 🙂
My dear Torunn, as many will attest, I am beyond help. 🙄😉


11 Mar 16
02 Jul 17

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
My dear Torunn, as many will attest, I am beyond help. 🙄😉

14 Mar 04
02 Jul 17

Originally posted by Torunn
Are you reading something new now?


11 Mar 16
02 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
Are you reading something new now?
I just finished the other one this evening, and unfortunately I have nothing right now unless I can find another one that I have missed reading, among my books.

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