Trump defense: He is husband, family man

Trump defense: He is husband, family man


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
2 edits

If so, why zero of his family was there to give him at least moral support? No Don Jr, Eric, Melania, no uncles, aunts, nieces haha,
Totally alone in the courtroom.

So he was so much a family man he has a long term relation with Mcdougal, playboy star, and the brief on with Stormy, all the while his REAL wife was having his child.

Then there was the hush money payment back to Cohen, he was not paid 130,000, he was actually paid FOUR HUNDRED and twenty thousand.

And the CEO wrote all that stuff down on paper just why they did it that way because it was to LOOK like income not hush money payments and the prosecutors have those papers. What is illegal is the conspiracy started by Trump, Cohen and Pecker in a private office thrashing out how to illegally interfere with the coming election which meant voters did not have a chance to take any of that into consideration when judging the individuals to be POTUS.

So tell us again how this is a witch hunt.

Like the payments to that doorman who alleged Trump had a love child with a cleaning lady, National inquirer paid that dude THIRTY THOUSAND dollars and they didn't even investigate the story and then paid McDougal 150,000 in the catch and kill story they never had any intention to publish.

Any story like that would have been fodder for publishing but Pecker himself said 10,000 was the most they paid for stories unless directly approved by Pecker, the CEO, which was HIGHLY unusual for such a story, he also did catch and kill on Shwarszenegger and Tiger woods where they had dirt on them but used that as leverage to have them do articles for the Inquirer.

In the case of Trump there was ONE motive and one only, helping Trump win the election. And ran cover after cover to that effect, saying for instance, Hillary was corrupt, a racist and other names or Trump is the only person to be president, totally for Trump and did the catch and kill not for negotiations but for the conspiracy to swing the election illegally in Trump's favor, it was for Trump all that took place.

And BTW, Weisselberg got total immunity from prosecution to tell his story which only lasted 30 minutes because on juror had an emergency dental appointment so it was cut short to be continued Tuesday.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@sonhouse said
If so, why zero of his family was there to give him at least moral support? No Don Jr, Eric, Melania, no uncles, aunts, nieces haha,
Totally alone in the courtroom.

So he was so much a family man he has a long term relation with Mcdougal, playboy star, and the brief on with Stormy, all the while his REAL wife was having his child.

Then there was the hush money payme ...[text shortened]... es because on juror had an emergency dental appointment so it was cut short to be continued Tuesday.
Yeah, Trump is a real 'salt of the earth' type.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@suzianne said
Yeah, Trump is a real 'salt of the earth' type.
What you accuse him of, that is what you are.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@wajoma said
What you accuse him of, that is what you are.
Who says?

Sounds really stupid.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08

@suzianne said
Who says?

Sounds really stupid.
I think it’s a school playground trope.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@divegeester said
I think it’s a school playground trope.
Even when presented with evidence of her hypocrisy suziman blusters on straight past it as if she didn't see it saying the same things over and over.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
If so, why zero of his family was there to give him at least moral support? No Don Jr, Eric, Melania, no uncles, aunts, nieces haha,
Totally alone in the courtroom.

So he was so much a family man he has a long term relation with Mcdougal, playboy star, and the brief on with Stormy, all the while his REAL wife was having his child.

Then there was the hush money payme ...[text shortened]... es because on juror had an emergency dental appointment so it was cut short to be continued Tuesday.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
1 edit

Trump looks really pouty and grumpy in the news photos. I think it’s his new hard-man at war look.

He’s looking especially Orange also. It’s a sort of deep fletton brick orange rather than his usual over-ripe satsuma choice of skin toner. I wonder if he’s been back on the cocaine and has more skin blemishes to hide.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08

Trump is a fascinating study in lies, narcissism, projection, stupidity, malignancy, ass-holery and Orangeness.

I particularly like his Orangeness.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@divegeester said
Trump looks really pouty and grumpy in the news photos. I think it’s his new hard-man at war look.

He’s looking especially Orange also. It’s a sort of deep fletton brick orange rather than his usual over-ripe satsuma choice of skin toner. I wonder if he’s been back on the cocaine and has more skin blemishes to hide.
Do you know how you'd look in Trumps place. Your face would appear plastic and inanimate, because it'd be pumped full of embalming fluid. You're like kev bamboozle, of all the things you can have a dig at you choose the wrong things, the amount of pressure that guy's under and the best you've got is his facial expression?

Weak man.

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08

I wonder if any of his base actually pray to him.

Dear Orange Jesus,

Please save us from the woke, the liberals, the Hispanics, the blacks and those who would help the poor.
Smite them with your exceptionally tiny hands-of-wrath oh Lord of the MAGA.
Grab them by their pussies and make them bow down before your Orangeness.
For thou art the master.


Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
1 edit

@wajoma said
Do you know how you'd look in Trumps place. Your face would appear plastic and inanimate, because it'd be pumped full of embalming fluid. You're like kev bamboozle, of all the things you can have a dig at you choose the wrong things, the amount of pressure that guy's under and the best you've got is his facial expression?

Weak man.
He’s under pressure because he is a criminal who’s in court to answer for his crimes.

“This is an assault on America”

No it isn’t Don, it’s the pigeons coming home to roost.


31 May 12

@suzianne said
Yeah, Trump is a real 'salt of the earth' type.
More like saltpeter.


05 Nov 06

@divegeester said
I wonder if any of his base actually pray to him.

Dear Orange Jesus,

Please save us from the woke, the liberals, the Hispanics, the blacks and those who would help the poor.
Smite them with your exceptionally tiny hands-of-wrath oh Lord of the MAGA.
Grab them by their pussies and make them bow down before your Orangeness.
For thou art the master.

you come off as the type that would shoot up a playground 😳

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wajoma said
Do you know how you'd look in Trumps place. Your face would appear plastic and inanimate, because it'd be pumped full of embalming fluid. You're like kev bamboozle, of all the things you can have a dig at you choose the wrong things, the amount of pressure that guy's under and the best you've got is his facial expression?

Weak man.
Libs only know personal. Check out all of Suzy's posts, she sent me a three liner this morning and had the word 'YOU' in there 10 times. Nothing on the issue. Pitiful. I wrote her a fatherly note that she is on the wrong track, I am sure she will improve.
Yeah, how bout this guy all over Trump's looks. Lincoln was flat ugly, it is a fact that he grew a beard (...suggested by a child who wrote him a letter..) to try to improve his appearance. This seemingly gay Divegeester
probably spent a bit of time on his hair bun this morning, maybe put on his latest hoodie, to look just right. Trump, likewise, wants to look just right. His life depends on it.
Every lib on this Forum , every one , is a lightweight. Why are we here? Me, I just want to around on November 7th!!!!!!

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