CA Senate candidate wants $50 minimum wage.  Funny.

CA Senate candidate wants $50 minimum wage. Funny.


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Oh I am SO hurt. I thought you HATED gommint.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
2 edits

@wildgrass said
You solve the problems of crumbling bridges and roadways in America by writing "well, this would not be a problem at all if you just eliminate roads."

Good work.

The employer/employee relationship is a voluntary mutually beneficial exchange of value for value. I am not saying let's eliminate employers, employees, and all those places that the employer/employee relationship occurs, as per your pathetic supposed attempt at analogy intimates . Although to a degree that is what you are advocating, they are no longer 100% employers or 100% employees, you wish the state to take ownership, to a degree, of places of employment. By removing the choices of both employers and employees they become less than what they were, they become property of the state themselves.

When the state threatens employers and employees with the force of the state, first with confiscation of wealth of both employers and employees through fines then eventually goobermint thugs with guns taking property and ones freedom, a person is lowered to the condition of a dumb beast responding to the whip, no longer able to make choices of freewill. So long as there is one employee willing to work for less than your arbitrary minimum wage you have no business stopping them from supporting their own life through their own productive effort.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

@wajoma said
wildgrass cry, cry, cries the corporations make too much profit. Remembering that profit is only the difference between what something costs to produce and what someone is prepared to pay for it.

She would like there to be less profit.

Solution: wildgrass gets together with other like minded people they start their own non-profit business which pays higher wages. Thi ...[text shortened]... on and will soon take over from them. It's a win win all round, and no one is forced to do anything.
But with a skewed understanding, or a non-understanding, of how capitalism works, they have difficulty writing a sensible post on the matter.
Note I have mentioned that more than once here, and they do not take my point head-on. That is because they have a deep-seated natural leaning towards believing that it all ends up with govt in the end. Their goal.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Sure, lets go back to the 1850's where if you wanted your office not to be 20 degrees you bring in your own coal to fire up the furnace since the owners would rather you freeze to death rather than just heating the building or having ten year old kids work in the mines or if someone gets hurt on the job, SO SORRY, you have 3 hours to get back to work and if they die, 'we have lots more where they came from' or if they have industrial waste to dispose of, dump it in the nearest river, nobody will notice.
AND pay them a dollar a day MAYBE.
You would LOVE it being in that time and being a landlord or whatever.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

@sonhouse said
Sure, lets go back to the 1850's where if you wanted your office not to be 20 degrees you bring in your own coal to fire up the furnace since the owners would rather you freeze to death rather than just heating the building or having ten year old kids work in the mines or if someone gets hurt on the job, SO SORRY, you have 3 hours to get back to work and if the ...[text shortened]... y them a dollar a day MAYBE.
You would LOVE it being in that time and being a landlord or whatever.
No, I got a better idea, Sonhouse. Absorb the post of Wajoma just above. Then you will see all sides of the coin. Please give it a try. Wildgrass is a one-side kind of guy, you can do this, don't be in that category. Sincerely, AvJoe.*

Or you can write about abortion, since you will have no retort. It is as clear as a bell. Good one Wajoma, they simply cannot handle it. They just can't. Note a few clicks back, Wildrass said "If corporate revenue is less, then I'm OK with it". Is he in high school? This is the same guy that is "OK with.." our government paying off loans of college grads with 6-figure incomes. Losers are just that way.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@sonhouse said
Sure, lets go back to the 1850's where if you wanted your office not to be 20 degrees you bring in your own coal to fire up the furnace since the owners would rather you freeze to death rather than just heating the building or having ten year old kids work in the mines or if someone gets hurt on the job, SO SORRY, you have 3 hours to get back to work and if the ...[text shortened]... y them a dollar a day MAYBE.
You would LOVE it being in that time and being a landlord or whatever.
Yes, and go back to sailing ships and telephones that are two tin cans with a tight string between them. The reason we don't have 10 year olds working in mines is that they don't have heavy machinery experience ijit.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
Sure, lets go back to the 1850's where if you wanted your office not to be 20 degrees you bring in your own coal to fire up the furnace since the owners would rather you freeze to death rather than just heating the building or having ten year old kids work in the mines or if someone gets hurt on the job, SO SORRY, you have 3 hours to get back to work and if the ...[text shortened]... y them a dollar a day MAYBE.
You would LOVE it being in that time and being a landlord or whatever.
No one wants that, Sonhouse. No one wants that.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
3 edits

@sonhouse said
or having ten year old kids work in the mines
...not only that they can't reach the pedals on the 400t haul truck and see over the steering wheel at the same time, that's right SUNSTROKER, they suffer discrimination on account of their SIZE.

YOU read that right stroker, the mining Co's have size-ist hiring POLICIES. Otherwise they'd have kids driving them trucks 24HRS a day, with 1/2hr for kiddy lunch time...

...AFTER their shift.

Not only that, it's 40degrees C in the Australian outback, do they have air-con?????

NO WAY, they've got the heat going in the cab, it's ONLY 65 degrees C in THE CAB.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

comedy is not your best suite, don't give up your day job, assuming you have one. I guess you were ticked off when you were ten you couldn't get a job in a mine.
Here in the US we have child labor laws for a reason and that was a lot of children DIED working in the mines because there little bodies were not developed enough to take the bad air and working ten hours a day for next to no pay.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

@sonhouse said
comedy is not your best suite, don't give up your day job, assuming you have one. I guess you were ticked off when you were ten you couldn't get a job in a mine.
Here in the US we have child labor laws for a reason and that was a lot of children DIED working in the mines because there little bodies were not developed enough to take the bad air and working ten hours a day for next to no pay.
But that was NOTHING compared to the middle ages, Sonhouse. You can hardly write about those kids in the mines without mentioning the way they were worked in the middle ages.
Are. you gonna be OK when the hammer falls in November?


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

@averagejoe1 said
But that was NOTHING compared to the middle ages, Sonhouse. You can hardly write about those kids in the mines without mentioning the way they were worked in the middle ages.
Are. you gonna be OK when the hammer falls in November?
Medievil peasantry was generally better fed than the average populus in the 19th century.
They also had a lot of days off.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

I assume that is your version of what you think is humor. Tell that to the dead children of century 19 and early century 20.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
I assume that is your version of what you think is humor. Tell that to the dead children of century 19 and early century 20.
No, it is my version to suggest that you get with it on the Forum. At least you did not mention Trump. So what will be your move on November 7?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

You can't guess what I will do in November? I certainly won't be voting for a dude who throws his dinner plates at the wall in the WH when he doesn't get his way.
That is just one tiny indication of just how crappy his mind works. Not even counting the rest of the crap the entire US is puking about right now.
And then there are folks like you, swallowing all that puke and loving it.
You care nothing for national security and a large portions of you wingnuts actually WANT a dictatorship here considering Repubs lose in most elections now by what the pathetically call "policy'' which is to say they say in public we HAVE no policy, If I am wrong PROVE it.
We dems like folks who actually put out bills to help actual Americans not those giving a rats ass to our national security instead pandering to Putin as if he is our long lost friend.
At least we know Exactly who are the enemies of the US and don't keep spreading Russian misinformation like the BS puked by Putin a few days ago, I prefer Biden as the next POTUS. Sure, and I LOVE to put my hand in a running garbage disposal.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10
1 edit

@sonhouse said
You can't guess what I will do in November? I certainly won't be voting for a dude who throws his dinner plates at the wall in the WH when he doesn't get his way.
That is just one tiny indication of just how crappy his mind works. Not even counting the rest of the crap the entire US is puking about right now.
How his mind works? Check this out. While chatting with Seth Meyers, a lowly comedian by global standards, at an ice cream shop, Biden brought the cone near to his mouth and literally announced a major development maybe pending in the Gaza mess.
I would rather have a man who blows his top on occasion than a man who is so crappy that he make casual conversation about that which is 'secret' information.

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