If I see a Skull I take it........I am a constant "student of the game" as are we all in a sense, always wanting to improve and to learn as much as I possibly can about the game of Chess, to have the opportunity to be able to grasp its nuance, theory & to understand ultimately that at its core it is simply not just a board game with unique pieces, but a true & great example of the depth & potential of the human mind in itself. l have been playing Chess off and on since my father first taught me how to play when I was ten years old, I was a once member for a time of the USCF, but never played in any USCF sanctioned tournaments. Although I do hopefully look forward to one day being comptitive enough to play at a higher level sometime in the near future........
Rating Trend
Rated Won / Drawn / Lost
All Rated
1803 games
As White
899 games
As Black
904 games
- Games Played
- 1809
- Rated
- 1803
- Won
- 1083
- Lost
- 667
- Drawn
- 59
- In Progress
- 0
- All Moves
- 60148
- Moves This Month
- 0
- Tourn. Entry Rating
- 2078
Rated Color
1803 games
1080 games
664 games
59 games
Rated Timeouts
168 games
19 games
Highest Rating | 2096 | 2096 | 2096 |
Average Rating | 0 | 2012 | 1514 |
Lowest Rating | 1859 | 1859 | 1259 |
Opponent Average Rating | 0 | 1717 | 1380 |
Games Rated | 0 | 48 | 607 |
90 days | 1 Year | 5 Years |
Affiliated Clans
No affiliated clans
Affiliated Clubs
Tournament Victories
- Tournament
- 2014 April Pirc Defence I 1700-1850
- Public
- Tournament
- 2014 April Alekhine's Defence I 1700-1850
- Public
- Tournament
- 2014 April Modern Defence I 1700-1850
- Public
Ladder Rank
No ladder entered
Moves This Month is the number of moves made since the 1st of the month.
Highest Rating excludes provisional (first 20) games.
Tournament Entry Rating is calculated by the formula (CurrentRating + HighestRating) / 2.
The entry rating will never drop to more than 100 points below your Highest Rating.
Rated stats are updated within 24 hours of the last completed rated game.
Last refreshed on 19 May 15.