would be for Game One. It pulled out two pawns of both colours at the same time
Nepo nearly fell over backwards in hysterics. The robot tried again, A white pawn.
I. Nepomniachtchi - D. Liren
A draw with all the cute stuff typically for the modern game being reserved for
the off board variations. Interesting enough to whet our appetite. Not a dull draw.
1. e4 {Predictable, Nepo usually opens with this as White.} 1... e5 {Again not too hard to guess though Ding has the Sicilians and the occasional Caro Kann in his rep.} 2. Nf3 {I was thinking maybe 2...Nf6 which is Nepo's pet move here.} 2... Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Bxc6 {A delayed exchange Lopez a bit of a surprise.} 6... dxc6 7. Re1 Nd7 {Theoretically the most chosen move here.} 8. d4 {Probably the only move to stake a claim for a plus.} 8... exd4 9. Qxd4 O-O 10. Bf4 Nc5 {Offering an early Queen swap. Please not yet!} 11. Qe3 {Good. The Queens stay on.} 11... Bg4 {Apparently a new move.} 12. Nd4 {Nepo is avoiding anymore exchanges for now.} 12... Qd7 {Nepo now took a while to move so it appears we are out of his prep.} 13. Nc3 Rad8 {14.h3 Qxd4 15.Nd5! would have been interesting. But 14...Bh5 keeps it tame.} 14. Nf5 {Taking the two Bishops away from Ding.} 14... Ne6 15. Nxe7+ {Although this gives opposite coloured Bishops there is still a lot of play left.} 15... Qxe7 16. Bg3 {The punters wanted 16...f5 here but plenty of time for heroics in later games.} 16... Bh5 17. f3 f6 18. h3 h6 {Both camps are making their Kings safe to put off opposite coloured Bishops Attacks.} 19. Kh2 Bf7 20. Rad1 {Contesting the file.} 20... b6 {Keeping the tension. Black wants White to trade on d8.} 21. a3 {Aimed at stopping any sorties with Qb4 after the trade of Rooks.} 21... a5 22. Ne2 Rxd1 {Ding chops wood though Rd7 was an option.} 23. Rxd1 Rd8 24. Rd3 {Nepo is trying to squeeze a slight plus by avoiding automatic exchanges.} 24... c5 {Preventing Nd4. and preparing Blacks next move.} 25. Qd2 c6 {Getting that c7 pawn away from the g3 Bishop.} 26. Rxd8+ Nxd8 {26....Qxd8 27.Qxd8 Nxd8 29. Bc7. nets a pawns} 27. Qf4 {White has found a way into the Queenside.} 27... b5 28. Qb8 {Threatening Bc7.} 28... Kh7 {Now the cry was 29 Bc7 Ne6 and 30.Bxa4.} 29. Bd6 {But Nepo playing on Dings time trouble tries to squeeze out more.} 29... Qd7 {The intended 30.Bxc5 Qd2 gives Black too much p[lay. Nepo goes fishing on the Kingside,} 30. Ng3 Ne6 31. f4 h5 {If White carries out his threat. 32,f5 h4! stops the attack.} 32. c3 c4 {Fixing the b-pawn and again encouraging f5.} 33. h4 {To stop h4. Now Black takes off the Queens,} 33... Qd8 34. Qb7 {A last try to trip up Black in time trouble 34...Qxd6 35.Qxf7 and White is winning.} 34... Be8 35. Nf5 Qd7 {Queen off...} 36. Qb8 {...not yet.} 36... Qd8 {Queens off....} 37. Qxd8 {...OK.} 37... Nxd8 38. Nd4 Nb7 39. e5 {Still trying to mix it whilst Ding is in time trouble.} 39... Kg8 40. Kg3 Bd7 41. Bc7 Nc5 {You can have the a-pawn. Black can pick up the b-awn in due time.} 42. Bxa5 Kf7 43. Bb4 {Now Black restores material equality and the game fizzles out to a draw,} 43... Nd3 44. e6+ Bxe6 45. Nxc6 Bd7 46. Nd4 Nxb2 47. Kf3 Nd3 48. g3 Nc1 49. Ke3 {Draw agreed,}