New FIDE Anti Cheating Measures.

New FIDE Anti Cheating Measures.

The Planet Greenpawn

chess news 1

FIDE has revealed their latest deterrent against OTB cheating.

no title

Nine sniffer dogs that have been trained to detect electrical devices.

A FIDO...sorry FIDE spokesman said ; “We have unleashed these dogs in the hope
we collar players who have been cheating and can and finally muzzle this problem.”

The dogs are named. Rin Ding Ding, Scoobie Roo, Bobby, Barkvinik, Woofalov, Pet....

Enough with the dog jokes..................Russ
end chess news


Back to three normal puzzles this week. All are ‘White to Play and Win.’

Give up a Rook taking back with check and win the b3 Rook.

The first move is easy. The last two moves are Nc3 and Nf3.

I see two unprotected Black pieces.

Solutions at the bottom
green pawns

I recently had cause to dive into this book looking for an old game. A good book
this one. Harding and Heidenfeld choose some excellent games as examples

no title

I found what I was looking but by chance stumbled upon this note

no title

These are suggested White replies too two Black moves in this position.

Black has three passed central pawns for the piece.

I think we can dispense with 16...c4? 17. Bxc4 dxc4 18.Nxc4 BQ anywhere and 19.Nd6+
That variation is an obvious White plus. 16....0-0 is a bit tougher because it is not all that
clear that the Classic Bishop Sac on h7 is going to work. There is a ratty move in there.

We will go the whole game to lead up to the critical position.

Let us look at most of an RHP game where White gets in Nd6+ in a French Defense.
I say ‘most of a game’ because I take over to wrap it up. I do it a more instructively.

tmarescalco - jansax RHP 2006

new sol

The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 200623
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
11 Sep 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10

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