Appointed Times of the Nations?

Appointed Times of the Nations?


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03 Apr 03
27 Jul 09
1 edit

Was she married? Did she have children? If so she surely was not one of the 144,000. They are virgins,


07 Jan 08
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
When it was written down is inconsequential; that it was said by the Lord Jesus Christ is indisputable. ...
And I disagree on both counts for a number of reasons. An understanding of what I said would have gleaned the 'why' of my disagreeing.



04 Apr 04
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by menace71
Was she married? Did she have children? If so she surely was not one of the 144,000. They are virgins,

And all MEN.
And of the 12 tribes of Israel.


26 Aug 07
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
And all MEN.
And of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Raji Paji pudding and pie,
kissed the girls and made them cry
when robbie carrobie came out to play
Raji Paji ran away



04 Apr 04
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Raji Paji pudding and pie,
kissed the girls and made them cry
when robbie carrobie came out to play
Raji Paji ran away
LOL .. yep, thats the common response of a JW when presented with facts. Thats the story all over the internet. JWs start talking garbage or quoting irrelevant passages when told that they are wrong. You are a good JW and a faithful supporter of Charles Russell, Robbie. Not too sure how much that will count though.. 🙂



04 Apr 04
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
...Now when they beheld the outspokenness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were men [b]unlettered and ordinary, they got to wondering. Acts 4:13...[/b]
The general public in those days did not know that Peter and John were disciples of Christ and had the Holy Spirit or that they were inspired by God.

Are you therefore implying that we dont know that Russell is and inspired prophet of God? Clearly thats what you think or else you would not have placed him on such a high pedestal. So why all the dozens of false prophesies then if he is inspired?


26 Aug 07
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
LOL .. yep, thats the common response of a JW when presented with facts. Thats the story all over the internet. JWs start talking garbage or quoting irrelevant passages when told that they are wrong. You are a good JW and a faithful supporter of Charles Russell, Robbie. Not too sure how much that will count though.. 🙂
facts, what facts? we are referring to an interpretation, not a fact, once again borne of a misconception of the beliefs of Jehovah witnesses. it seems that even before the truth of the matter may be established, first of all the preconception, or in most cases, the misconception must be done away with first.


26 Aug 07
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
The general public in those days did not know that Peter and John were disciples of Christ and had the Holy Spirit or that they were inspired by God.

Are you therefore implying that we dont know that Russell is and inspired prophet of God? Clearly thats what you think or else you would not have placed him on such a high pedestal. So why all the dozens of false prophesies then if he is inspired?
Russell a prophet, inspired by God? Haha, it is to laugh, perhaps you are thinking of the Russelites, a breakaway group who held that he was more than a simple bible student, who can tell? as far as i am aware, he has never claimed to be inspired of God, nor has the publications of the WTBS ever claimed to be inspired of God, nor has he ever claimed infallibility, nor has the WTBS ever claimed infallibility. What however i am struck by, when watching a video presentation of him, you can find them on youtube, was his mildness and most of all, his appeal to reason. this is something quite different from dogmatic evangelical preachers that the mire of Christendom is want to throw up from time to time.


26 Aug 07
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
The general public in those days did not know that Peter and John were disciples of Christ and had the Holy Spirit or that they were inspired by God.

Are you therefore implying that we dont know that Russell is and inspired prophet of God? Clearly thats what you think or else you would not have placed him on such a high pedestal. So why all the dozens of false prophesies then if he is inspired?
actually the Pharisees perceived that they used to be with Jesus, and that they had filled the whole of Jerusalem with their teaching, preaching and teaching publicly and from house to house. Perhaps this was just another conspiracy theory that you guys are so fond of, who can tell?



04 Apr 04
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
facts, what facts? we are referring to an interpretation, not a fact, once again borne of a misconception of the beliefs of Jehovah witnesses. it seems that even before the truth of the matter may be established, first of all the preconception, or in most cases, the misconception must be done away with first.
Interpretation? What interpretation.
None is required. Revelation says the 144,000 is made up of:
12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel,

Any 'interpretation' by the JWs is designed to brainwash a few idiots into thinking that JWs can be part of the 144,000. They cannot. Thats a fact.


26 Aug 07
27 Jul 09
2 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
Interpretation? What interpretation.
None is required. Revelation says the 144,000 is made up of:
12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel,

Any 'interpretation' by the JWs is designed to brainwash a few idiots into thinking that JWs can be part of the 144,000. They cannot. Thats a fact.
oh how ignorance must be bliss Raji Baji. if you will take a look at the verses you will see that it refers not to the literal twelve tribes of Israel, a little bit of homework for you there Raji (remember its a wretched pupil that does not surpass his master), but to what the Bible calls spiritual Israel, a spiritual nation made up of men and women, a royal priesthood as Peter terms it. Also they cannot all be virgins in the literal sense, nor has it ever been required, for marriage is to be honourable among all, the refrence to virgins is freedom from spiritual defilement.

perhaps this is a throwback to your christadelphian days, when it was thought that the literal Isrealites would be a literal blessing to the nations, but again, who can tell?



04 Apr 04
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
oh how ignorance must be bliss Raji Baji. if you will take a look at the verses you will see that it refers not to the literal twelve tribes of Israel, a little bit of homework for you there Raji (remember its a wretched pupil that does not surpass his master), but to what the Bible calls spiritual Israel, a spiritual nation made up of men and women ...[text shortened]... age is to be honourable among all, the refrence to virgins is freedom from spiritual defilement.
The passage clearly spells out all the names of the 12 tribes so it cannot be adopted Jews refered to by Paul.

You dont even realise how much you have to twist that passage to force it to include the JWs.

The Bible say ..... Its Jews,
I say .................... Its Jews
You say ................ Its JWs

The Bible and I are wrong. You and Russell are right ... 😀


26 Aug 07
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
The passage clearly spells out all the names of the 12 tribes so it cannot be adopted Jews refered to by Paul.

You dont even realise how much you have to twist that passage to force it to include the JWs.

The Bible say ..... Its Jews,
I say .................... Its Jews
You say ................ Its JWs

The Bible and I are wrong. You and Russell are right ... 😀
my friend look at the list of the twelve tribes of Israel, can you spot the difference? Also Paul clearly states that he who is a Jew, has a circumcision of the heart, in other words a spiritual Jew, Christ himself states that the blessings that were intended for the Jews were to be given to a nation producing its fruits, not literal Israel, oh Raji, you must see the constituent parts to make sense of the whole!



04 Apr 04
27 Jul 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
my friend look at the list of the twelve tribes of Israel, can you spot the difference? Also Paul clearly states that he who is a Jew, has a circumcision of the heart, in other words a spiritual Jew, Christ himself states that the blessings that were intended for the Jews were to be given to a nation producing its fruits, not literal Israel, oh Raji, you must see the constituent parts to make sense of the whole!
'Circumcision of the heart' converts you to the Tribe of Dan ... 😀


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
27 Jul 09
1 edit

Originally posted by menace71
Was she married? Did she have children? If so she surely was not one of the 144,000. They are virgins,

She had been maried and had 2 children I believe.. But see Robbies post about this.

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