Appointed Times of the Nations?

Appointed Times of the Nations?



Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
24 Jul 09

Originally posted by Badwater
The entire passage around this verse is intended to instill hope in the followers of Jesus regarding the destruction of the temple and the fears of the people that they would be carted off in bondage yet again. It was put to paper after the fact so it's hard to say whether it was added to help the followers of the time, or whether it's something Jesus said ...[text shortened]... specifically to the fall of the temple (much like how Nostradamus' "prophecies" are used).
When it was written down is inconsequential; that it was said by the Lord Jesus Christ is indisputable. The only issue remains, to what was He referring? Was it a near-prophecy, a far-prophecy or both?

Given all that does surround the verse in question, this warning clearly is both a near- and far-prophecy: He tells of both the fall of Israel as well as the end of the Tribulation. The former occured within a generation of the start of the Church Age, while the latter occurs just seven years following the same.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
25 Jul 09
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
It applies to a "specific" or "appointed" time period. The Messiah had been promised to come thru the line of David. This line of David was protected by God thru the nation of Israel until Jersalems destruction in 607 BCE which God allowed to happen because of the nation of Isreals disobideance to him. After this time no one in the line of David ever sat ...[text shortened]... 607 BCE. When was this to end? When is Jesus to take his place on the throne of the Kingdom?
When was it to end? The book of Daniel holds the key to knowing. But keeping it very short Daniel refers to a period of 7 times. It was first pointing to a literal 7 year period that a giant tree was banded and then allowed to grow again and even to the time King Nebuchadnezzar was in an animal state of mind. These were both examples of not having Gods involvement, favor and protection but it also meant more as we see with the time period that the Gentile nations would hold God's people under their dominion. So if you used that 7 years as a real 7 years it would take you to 600 BCE which would not work as nothing of any consiquece happened.
Now 7 years times 360 days which the bible uses for a year in prophecy, would have 2,520 days in it. But if you use the Day for a Year as was mentioned at Numbers 14:34 and Ezek 4:6, it would be 2520 years
If one uses this formula that the bible uses many times that would take it to the year 1914 AD.
Now going back to Jesus and when the apostles aked him, what would be the signs of his presence and of the time he would sit at the throne of the Kingdomin Heaven? He told him what they would be at Matt 24: 4-14.
It's obvious these type of events as a whole have always happend but by Jesus mentioning them as he did, it must be in a fashon that would be different and never before seen in all of human history. Have these things happend more since 1914?

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
25 Jul 09

Originally posted by galveston75
But wouldn't ones have to agree in Gods view it could only have one explination?
Look at what happened when Christ came the first time. The people did not understand the prophecy concerning Christ. They believed he was going to free them from Rome. Be a king right then & there is what they thought. They seemed to miss something. That Christ had to die & come back on the third day. It was all in the scriptures they knew the prophecies but obviously missed something. I think it might be that way once again in the end times. (whenever that is)


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
25 Jul 09

Nothing different has happened since 1914 that has not occurred throughout history. Wars & more wars. Famines & more famines. These are all common to our world. We can argue that technology has advanced and actually there is no argument there. Christ did not Come in 1914. When then is this new Paradise on earth going to occur? (I know when) By J-Dub calculations? It's has been almost 100 years since 1914 so Now what? Also our Calendar is off so that could very well throw a wrench in the whole 1914 thing.




17 Jun 09
25 Jul 09

Originally posted by galveston75
What do you mean?
Someone said that for 7 years he will try to make one "world government" or something is that true?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
25 Jul 09

Originally posted by daniel58
Someone said that for 7 years he will try to make one "world government" or something is that true?
Nope..never heard that.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
25 Jul 09

Originally posted by menace71
Nothing different has happened since 1914 that has not occurred throughout history. Wars & more wars. Famines & more famines. These are all common to our world. We can argue that technology has advanced and actually there is no argument there. Christ did not Come in 1914. When then is this new Paradise on earth going to occur? (I know when) By J-Dub calcula ...[text shortened]... is off so that could very well throw a wrench in the whole 1914 thing.


Christ did not come to earth in 1914 and never will. He has been ruling in heaven since then.
The paradise will begin to be after armegeddon and completed after the Devil is finally destroyed after the thousand years.
More killed in all these wars since 1914 then in combined wars thru all of history.
Technology has been a part of reporting more earthquakes in recent history no doubt, but the fact is was as humans hear about more earthquakes then all in history have heard of.
No more famines and diseases in the last few decades? You must not read the paper or watch the news...
But just deny it, it helps to fulfill Bible prophesy...


17 Jun 09
25 Jul 09

Originally posted by galveston75
Nope..never heard that.
"Once the Church Age is over (with the final believer coming into that fold), a brief intermission occurs, wherein Satan is allowed free rein for seven years. Once his desperate act is complete, the one nation which some have clamored for will finally come into play. However, that 'one nation' is to be ruled over by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself.

Speaking of the "desperate act" of Satan, he will endeavor to emulate what will follow his seven years, i.e., a one-world government. In this, he will seemingly pull it off... at first. The latter part of his time will show that he cannot possibly administer all that he had otherwise ruled since man's fall in the Garden".

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
26 Jul 09

Originally posted by galveston75
Christ did not come to earth in 1914 and never will. He has been ruling in heaven since then.
The paradise will begin to be after armegeddon and completed after the Devil is finally destroyed after the thousand years.
More killed in all these wars since 1914 then in combined wars thru all of history.
Technology has been a part of reporting more ea ...[text shortened]... ot read the paper or watch the news...
But just deny it, it helps to fulfill Bible prophesy...
Ok so what did Christ do in 1914? You know that is a fundamental Christian belief that Christ will return again. The second Coming or Second advent or what ever you want to call it.



04 Apr 04
26 Jul 09

Originally posted by menace71
Ok so what did Christ do in 1914? You know that is a fundamental Christian belief that Christ will return again. The second Coming or Second advent or what ever you want to call it.
Menace, have you not been following. Come on man pay attention.
You need to stop reading the Bible and reading what Christ and Paul said because its conflicting with the teachings of Charles Russell which is far more accurate.

Follow carefully -- Christ returned in 1914 in spirit, took up to heaven all the disciples and apostles and all the Jehovah Witnesses .. totalling 144,000. Now they are in heaven judging the nations. So the 1000 year period started in 1914 and the work of the JWs now is to convert the rest of the world to their doctrine. Anyone who does not follow the JW doctrine is going to be destroyed.

Galveston, do I have it right?

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
26 Jul 09

Christ did not come to earth in 1914 and never will. Really? He never came to earth? Man sounds more confusing all the time. So if He Christ never came to earth ever than how do you even know anything happened in 1914? I do not see this earthly paradise either. Are the J-Dubs supposed to usher in this Paradise? Man.



San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
26 Jul 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
Menace, have you not been following. Come on man pay attention.
You need to stop reading the Bible and reading what Christ and Paul said because its conflicting with the teachings of Charles Russell which is far more accurate.

Follow carefully -- Christ returned in 1914 in spirit, took up to heaven all the disciples and apostles and all the Jehovah Witne ...[text shortened]... who does not follow the JW doctrine is going to be destroyed.

Galveston, do I have it right?
I knew you's slither in here sooner or later...



04 Apr 04
26 Jul 09

Originally posted by galveston75
I knew you's slither in here sooner or later...
Its time for you's to slither out of here pal.
Nobody is listening to your rubbish Jehovah Witnesss doctrine.
Go spread your propaganda on another site.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
26 Jul 09
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
Its time for you's to slither out of here pal.
Nobody is listening to your rubbish Jehovah Witnesss doctrine.
Go spread your propaganda on another site.
Matt 24:9. I'm sorry but your just mad because you know the last part of this scripture doesn't apply to you. But the first part probably will given the chance.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
26 Jul 09

Originally posted by galveston75
Matt 24:9. I'm sorry but your just mad because you know the last part of this scripture doesn't apply to you. But the first part probably will given the chance.
No answer Raj?????

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