Women and chess

Women and chess

Only Chess

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 Nov 08

Originally posted by Busygirl
This may sound a little harsh, but here is my theory; young women learn in middle school that we have a choice. Display intelligence and be ignored by males, or be less of a threat and have a chance at reproduction. I don't know if other women would articulate the subtle social dance of puberty this way, but it was a choice I know I faced. I believe tha ...[text shortened]... which is much greater for a woman, and which makes each win less satisfying. Just a theory.
You display intelligence to me and I won't ignore you. I personally am turned on by high intelligence in women. Men too for that matter. I don't tolerate dumb too well....


24 Apr 05
12 Nov 08
3 edits

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Oh, the drama! Christ, you're insufferable. Telerion already agreeably explained that he mistook your "factual correction". Fact is, this is totally understandable on his part since you misconstrued his position (which in turn may well have been understandable on your part): he never meant to claim that Judit has never played in a women-only event (toward which your correction presumably would have been a counterexample); rather his point was simply that Judit has consistently played at the highest levels of competition (toward which your correction is, at the very best, marginally relevant). Put a sock in it, you miserable wretch.


11 Nov 05
12 Nov 08
1 edit

I'm happy to live in a country with th fifth best woman in the world: Pia Cramling. She is 6th best in Sweden, men included. She has currently a ELO rating of 2550 and still progressing. During October -08 she played 23 games, she's very active.

She is my favorite, not only because she is a good player, but because she doesn't play the easy way: She plays with men. By playing only other women in women tournaments only, she would win it all, but instead she plays among men.

Therefore, I'm confident that women are as good chess players as men.

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
12 Nov 08

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I'm happy to live in a country with th fifth best woman in the world: Pia Cramling. She has currently a ELO rating of 2550 and still progressing. During October -08 she played 23 games, she's very active.

She is my favourit, not only because she is a good player, but because she doesn't play the easy way: She plays with men. By playing only other women ...[text shortened]... he plays among men.

Therefore, I'm confident that women are as good chess players as men.
As a so-called scientist you should be wary of anecdotal evidence. Your post also smacks of condescension towards women. "She is my favourite because she plays against men". Pathetic,

By the way, how do you know women aren't better?

PS: And are you going to admit you're a proud xenophobe?


The sky

05 Apr 05
12 Nov 08

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Why can't Duchess64 address Telerion directly? Does she think it will sound more condescending when she talks about him in the third person?

Love thy bobblehead

02 May 07
12 Nov 08

Originally posted by Nordlys
Why can't Duchess64 address Telerion directly? Does she think it will sound more condescending when she talks about him in the third person?
Nordlys has raised an interesting question.

True X X Xian

The Lord's Army

18 Jul 04
12 Nov 08

I've been absent for a while, but it's good to see some of the old gang around. So . . . uhm . . . have we replaced faith whales with vacillating skin diseases?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 Nov 08

Originally posted by Palynka
As a so-called scientist you should be wary of anecdotal evidence. Your post also smacks of condescension towards women. "She is my favourite because she plays against men". Pathetic,

By the way, how do you know women aren't better?

PS: And are you going to admit you're a proud xenophobe?
So you hated the TV show too?


The sky

05 Apr 05
12 Nov 08

Originally posted by telerion
I've been absent for a while, but it's good to see some of the old gang around. So . . . uhm . . . have we replaced faith whales with vacillating skin diseases?
The faith whale will be back soon.


19 Jun 06
12 Nov 08

Originally posted by Fleabitten
Nordlys has raised an interesting question.
And Fleabitten's humor has made my day! My compliments to him!


05 Aug 08
12 Nov 08

This is a note to address the recent squabble between Telerion and Duchess64.

It seems to me that Telerion made the first potential mistake in saying that Judit Polgar has always played in the NBA. Whether this was meant to be taken literally or whether he meant "she has played primarily with men throughout her career" is up to the individual reader to decide, though Telerion has cleared the matter up in a recent post.

Duchess64 decided to correct his initial statement, and her observation has been met with some harsh comments, some of which appear to border on sexism.

Shame on anyone who deems it necessary to perpetuate what is starting to become a flame war. Let the matter drop now. Telerion made a mistake; Duchess64 corrected it; she was treated rudely; Telerion acknowledged his mistake and clarified his comment.

Besides, this thread has gone way off topic.

Trying to keep the peace,


08 Jun 07
12 Nov 08


The sky

05 Apr 05
12 Nov 08

The post that was quoted here has been removed
It was a question. It just sounded weird to me. Thanks for explaining.
(My use of the same technique was a joke, of course. And by the way, it's 'her', not 'his'.)


in my own mind.

03 Nov 08
12 Nov 08

Originally posted by sonhouse
You display intelligence to me and I won't ignore you. I personally am turned on by high intelligence in women. Men too for that matter. I don't tolerate dumb too well....
Thanks for the compliment. I am a much stronger, more confident individual now compared to middle school. That's what thirty or so years of living has done for me, I suppose.

I was speaking with another chess player earlier today and describing my renewed fascination with chess compared to when I was a kid. When I first learned the game I understood how the pieces moved but I didn't see how they worked together. The game felt like checkers with more variety and personality. Now that I am beginning to see the subtext of strategy and co-operation I am really excited to learn and play more. Another mark of maturity - the ability to see depth; as long as I have on my bifocals. 😛

True X X Xian

The Lord's Army

18 Jul 04
13 Nov 08

Originally posted by thrajin
This is a note to address the recent squabble between Telerion and Duchess64.

It seems to me that Telerion made the first potential mistake in saying that Judit Polgar has always played in the NBA. Whether this was meant to be taken literally or whether he meant "she has played primarily with men throughout her career" is up to the individual reader to de ...[text shortened]... comment.

Besides, this thread has gone way off topic.

Trying to keep the peace,
Wow . . . thanks for the support. 🙁

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