Women and chess

Women and chess

Only Chess

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
13 Nov 08

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Hi yourself, BB πŸ™‚
Always nice to find friendly people here! Even if most are!
I 'll be forever unable to understand questions like the ones of this thread; them lassies are perfect on the board and everywhere, I 'm even married to a very special one!

Have a good time up North catchin rainbows, may Thor be with you😡


11 Nov 05
13 Nov 08
2 edits

Originally posted by black beetle
I 'll be forever unable to understand questions like the ones of this thread; them lassies are perfect on the board and everywhere, I 'm even married to a very special one!

Have a good time up North catchin rainbows, may Thor be with you😡
Thor is a good one, but here at RHP I prefer Caïssa.
Let she always be with you, at the 64 squares, and otherwhere! πŸ˜‰

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
13 Nov 08

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Thor is a good one, but here at RHP I prefer Caïssa.
Let she always be with you, at the 64 squares, and otherwhere! πŸ˜‰
Caissa is cute, but not when I play against Mathurine; these two ladies have too much in common😡

True X X Xian

The Lord's Army

18 Jul 04
13 Nov 08
3 edits

Originally posted by black beetle
Oh you crafty LemonJello!

DramaQueen64 er… I mean Duchess64, wrote her posts clearly enough. She is not responsible for your lack of reading comprehension or for the absurd conclusions about her views that you have projected onto her.

By the way, this is a note to address the recent squabble between Telerion and Duchess64 and Thrajin, plus the mor ...[text shortened]... dy Nordlys is unable to stop the bloodshed.

Besides, this thread has gone way off topic.
Please πŸ™„ LemonJello was exactly right to call her out for her obnoxious behavior. She obviously has some serious personal issues.
Nevertheless, I have learned from her careful attention to detail. There is in fact a more astounding inaccuracy in my post. It is so massive that I am shocked the ever-vigilant Duchess did not notice it right away.

Judit Polgar has never once played in the National Basketball Association (NBA)!

Such a gross misstatement cannot go unchallenged. The author off said error, Telerion, is clearly a poor scholar and a liar! As yet Telerion has not formally admitted Telerion's mistake proving that Telerion is a misogynist and a communist sympathizer. Perhaps, Telerion, in Telerion's brash arrogance, believes that Telerion does not need to uphold a reputation of honesty and good faith with this community. Furthermore, Telerion has failed to fall on Telerion's knees and beg for forgiveness for Telerion's negligent use of language. Perhaps, Telerion does not even think that Telerion is mistaken at all! Is it possible that Telerion actually thinks that Telerion knows even more than I, Telerion?

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
13 Nov 08

Originally posted by telerion
Please πŸ™„ LemonJello was exactly right to call her out for her obnoxious behavior. She obviously has some serious personal issues.
Nevertheless, I have learned from her careful attention to detail. There is in fact a more astounding inaccuracy in my post. It is so massive that I am shocked the ever-vigilant Duchess did not notice it right away.

[b ...[text shortened]... Is it possible that Telerion actually thinks that Telerion knows even more than I, Telerion?
I hereby sentence you to 20 Ave Maria(s) and 55 Pater Noster(s).

May you go in peace, child.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
13 Nov 08

Originally posted by telerion
Please πŸ™„ LemonJello was exactly right to call her out for her obnoxious behavior. She obviously has some serious personal issues.
Nevertheless, I have learned from her careful attention to detail. There is in fact a more astounding inaccuracy in my post. It is so massive that I am shocked the ever-vigilant Duchess did not notice it right away.

[b ...[text shortened]... Is it possible that Telerion actually thinks that Telerion knows even more than I, Telerion?

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
13 Nov 08

Originally posted by Palynka
I hereby sentence you to 20 Ave Maria(s) and 55 Pater Noster(s).

May you go in peace, child.
Long live good ole Pal😡


24 Apr 05
13 Nov 08

Originally posted by black beetle
Oh you crafty LemonJello!

DramaQueen64 er… I mean Duchess64, wrote her posts clearly enough. She is not responsible for your lack of reading comprehension or for the absurd conclusions about her views that you have projected onto her.

By the way, this is a note to address the recent squabble between Telerion and Duchess64 and Thrajin, plus the mor ...[text shortened]... dy Nordlys is unable to stop the bloodshed.

Besides, this thread has gone way off topic.
I don't know why everyone is so against perpetuating flame wars. They're hilarious! Speaking of which...black beetle...more like turd beetle. 😡


The sky

05 Apr 05
13 Nov 08
1 edit

[Teleri on]
The author off said error, Telerion, is clearly a poor scholar and a liar! As yet Telerion has not formally admitted Telerion's mistake proving that Telerion is a misogynist and a communist sympathizer. Perhaps, Telerion, in Telerion's brash arrogance, believes that Telerion does not need to uphold a reputation of honesty and good faith with this community. Furthermore, Is it possible that Telerion actually thinks that Telerion knows even more than I, Telerion?
[Teleri off]


05 Aug 08
13 Nov 08


This will be the last post I will make on this topic.

I feel compelled to speak in Duchess64's defense. She simply called you out on an error, and you decided to "concede" the point and drop the matter. But now you have gone back and continued to bash her, with a little help from your minions, LemonJello and BlackBeetle.

Certainly a school teacher can muster up the maturity to keep his word and let this matter drop. You haven't attempted to speak rationally with Duchess64 since she made her initial correction to your erroneous comment; instead, you insist on mischaracterizing the extent of her accusations (it was obvious to everyone that "NBA" was analogical language). Your cohorts have attacked her at every turn. Do you know the meaning of "disinhibition"?

Flame me or don't flame me. I'm done here, but you should take the moral high ground and drop the matter (and honor your promise in the process).

As for your two lackeys, perhaps they can take their sideshow elsewhere.

- Thrajin


08 Jun 07
14 Nov 08


08 Jun 07
14 Nov 08


08 Jun 07
14 Nov 08

True X X Xian

The Lord's Army

18 Jul 04
14 Nov 08
1 edit

Originally posted by thrajin

This will be the last post I will make on this topic.

I feel compelled to speak in Duchess64's defense. She simply called you out on an error, and you decided to "concede" the point and drop the matter. But now you have gone back and continued to bash her, with a little help from your minions, LemonJello and BlackBeetle.

Certainly a school
As for your two lackeys, perhaps they can take their sideshow elsewhere.

- Thrajin
Speaking of lackeys . . .

Try buying a subscription around here and maybe I'll show more regard for your opinions.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
14 Nov 08

Originally posted by thrajin

This will be the last post I will make on this topic.

I feel compelled to speak in Duchess64's defense. She simply called you out on an error, and you decided to "concede" the point and drop the matter. But now you have gone back and continued to bash her, with a little help from your minions, LemonJello and BlackBeetle.

Certainly a school ...[text shortened]...
As for your two lackeys, perhaps they can take their sideshow elsewhere.

- Thrajin
I 'm a filthy Telerion's minion, along with LemonJello. The best cocktail around: TelebeetleJello on the rocks

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