Assyria vs The Dao of Pooh

Assyria vs The Dao of Pooh

Clan Challenge

AssyriaThe Dao of Pooh
AssyriaMovesThe Dao of Pooh
LPLawrence Pugh1729371575mazattackm
Lawrence Pugh1729361575mazattack
DBDer Bayer1813281485goveronicamarsgoveronicamars
Der Bayer1813431485goveronicamars
JLJack Laveck1442351372RemovedR
Jack Laveck1442281372Removed
6Games Won2
10Gross Points0
10Net Points-10
Challenge Result Notes

'Assyria' wins.

10 points awarded to winner.

10 of 10 games scored for this challenge.

This challenge result contributed to the 2010 challenge table.

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