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Annotated Chess Game 15094770

Annotated Chess Game 15094770

Annotation by stevehewitt

1. d4 e6 2. c4 c6 3. Bc1f4 Bf8b4 4. Nb1d2 Nb8a6 5. a3 Bb4e7 6. c5

So here I’ve managed to block your black bishop away from the left side of the board and jeep your knight sidelined too. Knights are very weak when out on the edge. They only cover half the squares that they could if they are in the middle.

6... Be7g5 7. e3 Qd8e7 8. Nd2c4 d5

Whilst it’s good aggression from your pawn, I can still put my knight on the HOLE at d5. (No pawns can attack my knight there. So now I force a king move which means you cannot now castle, which is a win for me.

9. Nc4d6 Ke8f8 10. Bf1d3 b6 11. b4 e5

The problem with that pawn is that it’s protected by the most valuable piece on the board, and so I know you are not going to take back. Also I have now created an outpost for my bishop (protected by my pawn and threatening a pawn near your king. Admittedly you can still threaten it with your f7 pawn, so it’s not perfect for me.

12. Bf4xe5 Ng8h6

I wonder if pushing your f7 pawn to dislodge my bishop would have been better.

13. Ng1f3 Bc8g4

Good move ! Pinning my knight against my queen

14. O-O f6

Ahhh. NOW it comes ! Good.

15. Be5f4 Nh6f5

Now your knight is only protected once but I have 2 attacks on it.

16. Nd6xf5 Qe7f7 17. h3 Bg4xh3

Courageous sacrifice. I can see the plan to get your queen over to threaten the king on the g file.

18. gxh3 Qf7h5 19. Kg1h2 Na6c7

Just a boob. Not looking far enough away from it on the board to see the bishop threat.

20. Bf4xc7 Ra8c8 21. Bc7d6

Making good use of that pawn the offers the ‘outpost’

21... Kf8f7 22. Nf3e5

Need to always double check ALL the new lines opened by one move that appears to be the main purpose, especially if it looks like their mistake or deliberate sacrifice. The queen reveal definitely lost you this match, although I’d say my forward position and your no castle status was the structural weakness that caused your demise.

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Game started
13 Dec 22
Last move
16 Dec 22

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Annotation Id
16 Dec 22
16 Dec 22

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