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Annotated Chess Game 15077125

Annotated Chess Game 15077125

Annotation by stevehewitt

1. e4 Ng8f6

1. e4 Ng8f6 Not sure the knight move is good

2. e5

1. e4 Ng8f6 Knight move not great

2... Nf6d5 3. Bf1c4 e6 4. Bc4xd5 exd5

Pawn structure broken but Not disastrous.

5. d4 d6 6. Nb1c3 f6

6. Nb1c3 f6 The pawn move opens your kings defence for no good reason and you miss protecting the doubled pawn.

7. exf6 Qd8xf6

Now you’ve had your Queen lured out early in the game. It’s rarely a good idea. You’ll see later cos you get chased all around the board.

8. Nc3xd5 Qf6e6 9. Qd1e2

You are stuck now cos his knight will fork your king and queen

9... Nb8c6 10. Nd5xc7 Ke8d8

King could have gone the other direction. Now he’s gonna get hit again when the knight moves

11. Nc7xe6 Bc8xe6 12. Qe2xe6

Now you’re in trouble

12... Bf8e7 13. Ng1f3 Nc6b4 14. Qe6c4 d5 15. Qc4c3 a5 16. O-O Ra8c8 17. Qc3e3 Nb4xc2 18. Qe3e5 Nc2xa1

Great chasing down his queen

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Game started
28 Nov 22
Last move
08 Dec 22

Annotation Details

Annotation Id
11 Dec 22
11 Dec 22

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