1. e4 e5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Nb1c3 Ng8f6 4. Bf1c4 Nf6xe4
! Well known forking tactic that made this opening less popular
5. Nc3xe4 d5
attacking the knight and bishop
6. Bc4xd5 Qd8xd5 7. d3 Bc8g4 8. h3 Bg4h5 9. Ne4c3 Bf8b4
The queen is really good in the center and i dont want to move it. (9...Bxf3?? 10. Nxd5 Bxd1 11.Nxc7+ and white is better)
10. Bc1d2 Bb4xc3 11. Bd2xc3 Bh5xf3
I want to wreck the kingside pawns
12. gxf3 O-O-O
I dont want to trade downright now so i will just castle and connect my rooks
13. Qd1e2 Nc6d4
Because i'm fully developed, i will trade down now and get the advantage due to the pawn structure i have compared to white's. Trading is forced to not lose a pawn.
14. Bc3xd4 exd4
threatening to pin the king
15. b3
?? a losing game blunder
15... Rh8e8
White is dead
16. Qe2xe8 Rd8xe8 17. Ke1d2 Qd5xf3 18. c3 Qf3xf2 19. Kd2c1 dxc3 20. Rh1d1 Qf2b2
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Game Details
- Game started
- 25 Apr 21
- Last move
- 26 Apr 21
- Lost
Annotation Details
- Annotation Id
- 7197
- Created
- 26 Apr 21
- Updated
- 26 Apr 21