1. d4 f5 2. c4 Ng8f6 3. Bc1g5 g6 4. Bg5xf6
I wanted to double black's pawns with the intention of not allowing them to be undoubled
4... exf6 5. Nb1c3 Bf8b4 6. a3 Bb4xc3 7. bxc3 d5
? I was glad to see the opportunity to in double my pawns and taking a central pawn
8. cxd5 Qd8xd5 9. e3
Had reservations about this. I felt I needed to support my d pawn and develop my bishop, but felt I was offering black a way to undoubled pawns.
9... a6 10. c4
Gaining more control of the center with tempo.
10... Qd5a5 11. Qd1d2
With queens off the board, losing castling rights is less of an issue I figured.
11... Qa5xd2 12. Ke1xd2 Bc8e6 13. Ng1f3 Nb8d7 14. Bf1d3 O-O-O 15. Kd2c2
Best square for king safety.
15... Nd7b6 16. d5
This served two purposes, to open a square for my knight and to push a passed pawn
16... Be6f7 17. a4
Taking away a square from black's knight
17... Nb6d7 18. Nf3d4
Putting my knight on the good square I pushed the pawn to get
18... Rh8e8 19. Rh1e1 Re8e7 20. Nd4b3
I think I was planning on moving my a rook to the b file, then play knight a5 expecting b6 then knight c6
20... Rd8e8 21. Ra1b1 f4
I need to keep this pawn and undoubling black's pawns is bad for me
22. e4 f5
Looks like I cannot help the undoubling, but I can support my chain
23. f3 fxe4 24. fxe4 Nd7e5
I will recapture with my king if knight takes bishop.
25. Nb3c5
Now I can play Nc5 a more central square attacking two of blacks pawns
25... c6 26. d6
I plan to win the exchange if black moves his rook to block the pawn
26... Ne5xd3 27. Kc2xd3
King supports both pawns, need my knight where it is
27... Re8d8
That was unexpected
28. e5
With only one rook on the file now I can push the pawn and freeing the king of protecting that pawn
28... Re7e8 29. Nc5xb7
! I get a pawn creating two isolated pawns, really helps in the end game
29... Rd8d7 30. Nb7c5 Rd7a7 31. e6
This is the move I had two plans for and took the bird in the hand. I figured winning a bishop for a pawn would be better than winning the exchange giving up a pawn. My other idea was to move my knight to a5 by c3 bit figured it would be too slow. Now I think rook b6 is probably best.
31... Bf7xe6 32. Re1xe6
More forcing than with taking with the knight, besides I am up a piece time to take pieces off the board
32... Re8xe6 33. Nc5xe6 Kc8d7 34. Ne6xf4
Cannot save my pawn, so might as well take one.
34... Kd7xd6 35. Rb1b2
Protecting my pawns from his rook
35... Kd6e5 36. Nf4e2 Ra7f7 37. Ne2c3 Rf7d7 38. Kd3e3 Rd7d4 39. Rb2e2 c5 40. Ke3f3
Need a square for my knight after I play Nd5
40... Ke5f5 41. Nc3d5
Once again setting up a rook trap
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Game Details
- Game started
- 25 Dec 20
- Last move
- 31 Dec 20
- Lost
Annotation Details
- Annotation Id
- 6989
- Created
- 31 Dec 20
- Updated
- 31 Dec 20