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Annotated Chess Game 14115629

Annotated Chess Game 14115629

Annotation by kunduz

1. d4 Ng8f6 2. c4 e6 3. Nb1c3 c5 4. d5 exd5 5. cxd5 d6 6. e4 g6 7. f4 Bf8g7 8. Bf1b5 Nf6d7 9. a4 O-O 10. Ng1f3 a6

I think that na6-nb4 then a6 is better.

11. Bb5e2 Qd8c7 12. O-O c4

this is a premature move weakening the c pawn of the black , but more importantly opens path for white's queenside bishop to develop quickly, i.e. be3-bd4, to enable e5 and force black to exchange the critical fiancetto bishop. Re8 is the best move here to prevent white's e5.

13. Bc1e3 Nd7c5 14. Nf3d2 Nb8d7 15. Be2xc4

15.e5 Nd3 16.Nxc4 Nxb2 17.Nxb2 Qxc3 18.Bd4 white achives its goal at center, but black still has counterplay. After 15.Nxc4 Bxc3 16.bxc3 Nxe4 17. Qd4 Nf6, black has a knight in e4 which i didnt like. So decided to materalize the gain by taking with bishop assuming it is a safer option leading to a winning endgame after exchanges, but missed nf6

15... Bg7xc3

This was the line I hoped for, I totally missed 15...Nf6 16.Bd4 Ncxe4 17.Ndxe4 Nxe4 18.Bxg7 Kxg7 19.Qd4+ Nf6 after which black has a sustainable game.

16. bxc3 Nc5xe4 17. Nd2xe4 Qc7xc4 18. Qd1d4 Qc4xd4

Black has to exchange; for example if Qc7 is played, white playes f5, threatening to mate

19. Be3xd4 b6 20. Ne4xd6

black position is cramped. b pawn is weak. rest of the game is easy.

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Game Details

Game started
19 Dec 20
Last move
24 Dec 20

Annotation Details

Annotation Id
26 Dec 20
26 Dec 20

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