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Annotated Chess Game 9402344

Annotated Chess Game 9402344

Annotation by rnic

    1. d4 g6 2. Ng1f3 Bf8g7 3. e4 d6 4. Bf1c4 Bc8g4 5. Bc1e3 Ng8f6 6. Nb1d2 O-O 7. h3 Bg4xf3 8. Qd1xf3 Nb8d7 9. h4 c5 10. c3 Qd8b6 11. b3 Qb6a5 12. Be3g5 b5 13. Bc4e2 cxd4 14. cxd4 Rf8c8 15. O-O Rc8c2 16. a4 Rc2xd2 17. Bg5xd2 Qa5xd2 18. Rf1d1

    I am not simply down the exchange, and up a piece White has set a trap and I have fallen in.

      18... Qd2b4 19. e5

      A double attack on the night and rook. I am lost.

        19... Ra8c8 20. exf6 Bg7xf6 21. Qf3b7 Nd7b6 22. axb5 Rc8c2 23. Ra1xa7 Rc2xe2 24. Qb7xb6 Qb4xb3 25. Ra7a1 Bf6xh4 26. Rd1f1 Qb3d5 27. Ra1e1 Re2xe1 28. Rf1xe1 Qd5f5 29. Re1f1 Qf5d5 30. Qb6d8 Kg8g7 31. b6

        and the pawn cannot be stopped.

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        Game Details

        Game started
        12 Jul 12
        Last move
        27 Jul 12

        Annotation Details

        Annotation Id
        28 Jul 12
        28 Jul 12

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