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Annotated Chess Game 9335402

Annotated Chess Game 9335402

Annotation by rnic

    1. c4 e5 2. Nb1c3 Nb8c6 3. g3 Bf8b4 4. Bf1g2 Bb4xc3 5. bxc3 Qd8f6 6. e3 d6 7. Ng1e2 Ng8e7 8. O-O Bc8e6 9. d3 O-O-O 10. Ra1b1 b6 11. Qd1a4 Be6d7 12. Qa4a6 Kc8b8

    The idea of the English opening is to attack on the queen side. Here black plays right into whites plans.

      13. Rb1b3 Bd7c8 14. Qa6a4 Bc8b7 15. Rb3a3 a5 16. Bc1d2 g6 17. d4 e4 18. Bg2xe4 h5 19. Rf1b1 g5

      Black tries for some counter attack.

        20. c5 d5 21. Be4g2 Nc6a7 22. cxb6 cxb6 23. Ra3b3

        eating away at the crumbling defenses

          23... Qf6c6 24. Qa4xc6 Bb7xc6

          The exchange takes a lot of the punch out of white's attack.

            25. Rb3xb6 Kb8a8 26. f3 Rd8b8 27. Rb6xb8 Rh8xb8 28. Rb1xb8 Ka8xb8

            White is two full pawns up.

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            Flag ISO 840

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            Game Details

            Game started
            10 Jun 12
            Last move
            09 Jul 12

            Annotation Details

            Annotation Id
            11 Jul 12
            11 Jul 12

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