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Annotated Chess Game 9390536

Annotated Chess Game 9390536

Annotation by rnic

    1. c4 Ng8f6 2. Nb1c3 Nb8c6 3. d4 d5 4. c5 e5 5. e3 a6 6. g3 Bc8g4 7. Qd1b3 Nc6a5 8. Qb3a4 c6 9. Bf1g2 exd4 10. Qa4xd4 Qd8e7 11. Nc3a4 O-O-O

    ? Black is playing into whites hands.

      12. Bc1d2 Nf6e4

      ? Simply giving away a piece with no compensation.

        13. Bd2xa5 Rd8e8 14. Ng1f3

        White has lots of attacking opportunities, but cannot ignore the safety of the king.

          14... Bg4xf3 15. Bg2xf3 Ne4xc5

          ? Appears to win a pawn, but at what cost?

            16. Bf3g4 Nc5e6 17. Qd4a7

            I almost moved short to b6, but a7 is far better.

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            Flag ISO 840

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            Game Details

            Game started
            06 Jul 12
            Last move
            08 Jul 12

            Annotation Details

            Annotation Id
            08 Jul 12
            08 Jul 12

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