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Annotated Chess Game 9387669

Annotated Chess Game 9387669

Annotation by rnic

    1. c4 g6 2. Nb1c3 Bf8g7 3. d4 Nb8c6 4. d5 Nc6b4 5. a3 Nb4a6 6. e4 c6 7. Ng1f3 Ng8f6 8. Bf1d3 Na6c5 9. Bd3c2 cxd5 10. exd5 O-O 11. O-O d6 12. Ra1b1 Bc8g4 13. Rf1e1 Rf8e8 14. b4 Nc5d7 15. Qd1d3

    With the mid-game underway, white command the majority of the board and has a good hold on the center

      15... Bg4xf3 16. Qd3xf3 Nd7e5 17. Qf3e2 Qd8c7 18. Bc2b3 Ra8c8 19. Nc3b5

      Black was massing a good columnar attack on the c file but this refutes it quite nicely and puts the dark queen on the run

        19... Qc7b8 20. Bc1e3 a6 21. Nb5c3 e6 22. dxe6 Re8xe6 23. c5 Re6e8 24. Be3f4

        White must find a way of ending the stranglehold the two nights have on the king side

          24... Ne5g4 25. Qe2d2

          black has opened up the pin on the pawn and white applies the screws

            25... Re8xe1 26. Rb1xe1 Nf6h5

            ? What is the point of attacking the bishop when it is about to move anyway?

              27. Bf4xd6

              The queen is cornered and ineffective.

                27... Qb8a8 28. Nc3d5

                Notice blacks forces are almost completely divided between the queen and king side.

                  28... Rc8d8 29. Nd5e7 Kg8h8 30. Bb3xf7 Ng4e5

                  ? Black must think his night is safe because of the pin on the queen, but he misses the continuation to RxN

                    31. Re1xe5

                    !! A really pretty exchange sac.

                      31... Bg7xe5 32. Bd6xe5

                      !! Beginning a force mate.

                        32... Nh5g7 33. Ne7xg6

                        ! The final sac and black in doomed.

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                        Game Details

                        Game started
                        04 Jul 12
                        Last move
                        08 Jul 12

                        Annotation Details

                        Annotation Id
                        08 Jul 12
                        08 Jul 12

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