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Annotated Chess Game 9231127

Annotated Chess Game 9231127

Annotation by rnic

    1. c4 d6 2. g3 Ng8f6 3. Bf1g2 Bc8g4 4. f3 Bg4e6 5. d3 Nb8c6 6. Nb1c3 g6 7. Bc1e3

    ? This is very poor development on white's part. I must have been really sleepy.

      7... Bf8g7 8. Ng1h3 Nf6h5 9. O-O Be6xh3 10. Bg2xh3 O-O 11. Qd1d2 Nc6d4 12. g4

      ? Another poor move unnecessarily weakening the king position

        12... Qd8d7 13. Kg1g2 Nh5f6

        Not much choice for black here, but it loses a piece.

          14. Be3xd4 c5 15. Bd4xf6 Bg7xf6

          White is materially ahead here and should have been able to convert it to a win.

            16. g5 Bf6xc3 17. bxc3 Qd7c6 18. e4 e5 19. f4 Rf8e8 20. fxe5 Re8xe5 21. Rf1f6 Ra8f8 22. d4

            ? Blunder number 1

              22... Qc6xe4 23. Kg2f2 Qe4h4 24. Kf2g1 Re5xg5 25. Bh3g2 Rg5h5

              Black has white on the ropes.

                26. h3 Qh4xf6 27. Bg2xb7

                ? A waste of precious tempo, the rook should have been brought into play.

                  27... Rh5xh3 28. Bb7g2 Rh3g3 29. Ra1f1 Qf6h4 30. Qd2f2 f5 31. dxc5 f4 32. Qf2d4 g5 33. Qd4d5 Rf8f7 34. cxd6 Qh4g4 35. Rf1e1 Rg3xg2 36. Qd5xg2 Qg4xg2 37. Kg1xg2

                  The game is roughly even now.

                    37... f3 38. Kg2g3 Kg8g7 39. Re1f1 Rf7d7 40. c5 h5 41. Rf1xf3 g4 42. Rf3e3 Kg7f6 43. Kg3h4 Rd7d8 44. Kh4xh5

                    ?? The final blunder!

                      44... Kf6f5

                      Misses the mate, but White is too careless to run.

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                      Game Details

                      Game started
                      22 Apr 12
                      Last move
                      07 Jul 12

                      Annotation Details

                      Annotation Id
                      07 Jul 12
                      08 Jul 12

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