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Annotated Chess Game 9353755

Annotated Chess Game 9353755

Annotation by rnic

    1. d4 g6 2. Nb1c3 Bf8g7 3. e4 d6 4. Bc1e3 a6 5. Qd1d3 Ng8f6 6. f3

    White has nicely developed, but his king position is a little questionable.

      6... O-O 7. Ng1e2 Nb8c6 8. a3 e5 9. d5 Nc6e7

      White's control of space is great, but the pieces are tripping over each other.

        10. g4


          10... Kg8h8 11. h4 Bc8d7 12. h5 gxh5 13. g5 Nf6g8 14. Rh1xh5 Ne7g6 15. O-O-O f6 16. Ne2g1 fxg5 17. Be3xg5 Qd8e8 18. Rh5h2 b5 19. Nc3e2 a5 20. b3 b4 21. a4 Qe8c8 22. Bf1g2

          ? Why not h3 forcing the exchange of this bad bishop, and allowing for the quick doubling of the rooks?

            22... Ra8a6

            Black finds counterplay

              23. Qd3e3 c5 24. dxc6 Ra6xc6 25. Rd1d2 Qc8c7 26. Ne2g3 Rf8c8 27. Bg2f1 Rc6c3 28. Bf1d3 Rc3xb3 29. Ng3f5 Qc7c3 30. Kc1d1 Rb3b1 31. Kd1e2 Ng6f4 32. Bg5xf4 exf4

              trying to remove the knight's protection

                33. Qe3f2 Bd7xf5

                but now the king position can be opened like an oyster.

                  34. exf5 Rc8e8 35. Bd3e4 Qc3c4

                  A little windmill Queen action, and then the coupe de' grass.

                    36. Rd2d3 Qc4xc2 37. Rd3d2 Re8xe4

                    !! giving up the exchange, but in exchange for a forced mate.

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                    Flag ISO 840

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                    Game Details

                    Game started
                    18 Jun 12
                    Last move
                    03 Jul 12

                    Annotation Details

                    Annotation Id
                    04 Jul 12
                    04 Jul 12

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