1. c4 e5 2. Nb1c3 f5 3. e4 Ng8f6 4. exf5 Bf8b4 5. Bf1d3 Bb4xc3 6. bxc3 c6 7. Bc1a3
? Poor post for the bishop
7... d5 8. cxd5 cxd5 9. Bd3b5 Nb8c6 10. Ng1f3 Qd8c7 11. O-O Bc8xf5 12. Bb5xc6 bxc6 13. Rf1e1 e4 14. Nf3d4 Bf5d7 15. d3 O-O-O 16. Ba3c5 Rd8e8 17. Ra1b1 Bd7g4 18. Qd1a4 exd3 19. Qa4a6 Kc8d8 20. Qa6xd3 Nf6e4 21. Bc5b4 Bg4h5
Black has slipped through white's fingers
22. Bb4c5
?? And it doesn't help if you give away material.
22... Ne4xc5 23. Qd3h3 Bh5g6 24. Qh3h4 Kd8c8 25. Qh4g4 Qc7d7 26. Qg4xd7 Nc5xd7 27. Rb1c1 Re8xe1 28. Rc1xe1 Rh8e8 29. Re1xe8 Bg6xe8 30. Nd4xc6 Kc8b7 31. Nc6e7 Nd7f6 32. f3 g6 33. Kg1f2 Kb7c7 34. g4 Kc7d6 35. Ne7c8 Kd6c7 36. Nc8e7 Kc7d7 37. g5 Kd7xe7 38. gxf6 Ke7xf6 39. Kf2e3
There is no hope for white now.
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Game Details
- Game started
- 11 May 12
- Last move
- 29 May 12
- Lost
Annotation Details
- Annotation Id
- 2646
- Created
- 04 Jul 12
- Updated
- 04 Jul 12